linear contrast

linear contrast
мат. линейный контраст

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linear contrast" в других словарях:

  • Linear programming — (LP, or linear optimization) is a mathematical method for determining a way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model for some list of requirements represented as linear relationships.… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear least squares — is an important computational problem, that arises primarily in applications when it is desired to fit a linear mathematical model to measurements obtained from experiments. The goals of linear least squares are to extract predictions from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear least squares/Proposed — Linear least squares is an important computational problem, that arises primarily in applications when it is desired to fit a linear mathematical model to observations obtained from experiments. Mathematically, it can be stated as the problem of… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear phase — is a property of a filter, where the phase response of the filter is a linear function of frequency, excluding the possibility of wraps at pmpi. In a causal system, perfect linear phase can be achieved with a discrete time FIR filter.Since a… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear immunoglobulin A dermatosis — Linear IgA dermatosis is a very rare autoimmune blistering disorder, which manifests via blistering of the skin and the mucous membranes. An autoimmune disorder is a malfunction of the body s immune system causing the body to attack its own… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear scheduling method — (LSM) is a graphical scheduling method focusing on continuous resource utilization in repetitive activities. It is believed that it originally adopted the idea of Line Of Balance method.LSM is used mainly in construction industry to schedule… …   Wikipedia

  • Contrast (statistics) — In statistics, particularly analysis of variance, a contrast is a linear combination of two or more factor level means (averages) whose coefficients add up to zero.[1][2] A simple contrast is the difference between two means. A contrast may be… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear epitope — A linear or a sequential epitope is an epitope that is recognized by antibodies by its linear sequence of amino acids, or primary structure. In contrast, most antibodies recognize a conformational epitope that has a specific three dimensional… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear regression — Example of simple linear regression, which has one independent variable In statistics, linear regression is an approach to modeling the relationship between a scalar variable y and one or more explanatory variables denoted X. The case of one… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear least squares (mathematics) — This article is about the mathematics that underlie curve fitting using linear least squares. For statistical regression analysis using least squares, see linear regression. For linear regression on a single variable, see simple linear regression …   Wikipedia

  • Linear Motion Battle System — The Linear Motion Battle System (LMBS or LiMBS) is a fighting paradigm in Namco published video games primarily for use in their Tales series of console role playing games. It is a real time battle system based on 2 D fighting games such as… …   Wikipedia

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