linear array

linear array

1. линейная антенная решетка
2. одномерный (векторный) массив

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linear array" в других словарях:

  • linear array — tiesinė matrica statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. linear array; linear matrix vok. Lineararray, n; lineare Matrixanordnung, f rus. линейная матрица, f pranc. réseau linéaire, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • linear array — An antenna array whose elements are equally spaced along a straight line …   Aviation dictionary

  • Generalized linear array model — In statistics, the generalized linear array model(GLAM) is used for analyzing the data sets with array structure. It based on the generalized linear model with the regression matrix written as a Kronecker product. Overview In the article… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear octrees — An octree is said to be complete if every internal node has exactly 8 child nodes. If the maximum permissible depth of an octree is fixed a priori, then it is sufficient to store the complete list of leaf nodes of the octree. Such a… …   Wikipedia

  • linear matrix — tiesinė matrica statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. linear array; linear matrix vok. Lineararray, n; lineare Matrixanordnung, f rus. линейная матрица, f pranc. réseau linéaire, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Linear hash — Linear Hashing is a dynamic hash table algorithm invented by Witold Litwin (1980) [ Citation | first1=Witold | last1=Litwin | title=Linear hashing: A new tool for file and table addressing | journal=Proc. 6th Conference on Very Large Databases |… …   Wikipedia

  • Array data type — Not to be confused with Array data structure. In computer science, an array type is a data type that is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices that can be computed at run time by the …   Wikipedia

  • Linear search — In computer science, linear search is a search algorithm, also known as sequential search, that is suitable for searching a list of data for a particular value. It operates by checking every element of a list one at a time in sequence until a… …   Wikipedia

  • Array system — The Array system is a way to rearrange the pattern by which the notes are positioned on a wide variety of musical instruments, including a patented MIDI controller. The Array system is derived from the circle of fifths.ExplanationThe Array system …   Wikipedia

  • Array — In computer science an array [Paul E. Black, array , in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures , Paul E. Black, ed., U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 26 August 2008 (accessed 10 September 2008).… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear motor — A linear motor or linear induction motor is essentially a multi phase alternating current (AC) electric motor that has had its stator unrolled so that instead of producing a torque (rotation) it produces a linear force along its length. The most… …   Wikipedia

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