- linear algebra
- мат. линейная алгебра (математика) линейная алгебра
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
linear algebra — n. the algebra of vectors and matrices, as distinct from the ordinary algebra of real numbers and the abstract algebra of unspecified entities … English World dictionary
Linear algebra — R3 is a vector (linear) space, and lines and planes passing through the origin are vector subspaces in R3. Subspaces are a common object of study in linear algebra. Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies vector spaces, also called … Wikipedia
linear algebra — noun the part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations and linear transformation (Freq. 2) • Topics: ↑mathematics, ↑math, ↑maths • Hypernyms: ↑algebra * * * noun 1 … Useful english dictionary
linear algebra — Math. See under algebra (def. 2). [1890 95] * * * Branch of algebra concerned with methods of solving systems of linear equations; more generally, the mathematics of linear transformations and vector spaces. Linear refers to the form of the… … Universalium
linear algebra — tiesinė algebra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. linear algebra vok. lineare Algebra, f rus. линейная алгебра, f pranc. algèbre linéaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Linear Algebra Package — Sommaire 1 Objectifs 2 Résolution du problème avec les processeurs multi cœurs 3 Voir aussi 4 Liens externes LAPACK (pour Linear Alge … Wikipédia en Français
linear algebra — noun a) The branch of mathematics that deals with vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations and systems of linear equations. b) An algebra over a field … Wiktionary
linear algebra — noun Date: 1870 a branch of mathematics that is concerned with mathematical structures closed under the operations of addition and scalar multiplication and that includes the theory of systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector… … New Collegiate Dictionary
linear algebra — branch of algebra (Mathematics) … English contemporary dictionary
List of linear algebra references — This is a list of selected references for linear algebra, an important branch of mathematics.Introductory linear algebraIntroductory linear algebra refers to the material typically covered in a first or second year course for scientists and… … Wikipedia
Trace (linear algebra) — In linear algebra, the trace of an n by n square matrix A is defined to be the sum of the elements on the main diagonal (the diagonal from the upper left to the lower right) of A, i.e., where aii represents the entry on the ith row and ith column … Wikipedia