lineal descendant
Смотреть что такое "lineal descendant" в других словарях:
lineal descendant — index child Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 lineal descendant n. A person who … Law dictionary
lineal descendant — (Law) person who is a direct offspring, direct descendant (children and their children down through the generations, including grandchildren, great grandchildren and so forth) … English contemporary dictionary
lineal — lin·eal / li nē əl/ adj: consisting of or being in a direct male or female line of ancestry a lineal descendant compare collateral 2 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
descendant — de·scen·dant also de·scen·dent /di sen dənt/ n: a blood relative of a later generation Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. descendant … Law dictionary
Lineal — Lin e*al (l[i^]n [ e]*al), a. [L. linealis belonging to a line, fr. linea line: cf. F. lin[ e]al. See 3d {Line}.] 1. Descending in a direct line from an ancestor; hereditary; derived from ancestors; opposed to {collateral}; as, a lineal descent… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lineal measure — Lineal Lin e*al (l[i^]n [ e]*al), a. [L. linealis belonging to a line, fr. linea line: cf. F. lin[ e]al. See 3d {Line}.] 1. Descending in a direct line from an ancestor; hereditary; derived from ancestors; opposed to {collateral}; as, a lineal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Descendant — or Descendent may refer to: Lineal descendant, a blood relative in the direct line of descent Collateral descendant, a relative descended from a brother or sister of an ancestor Descendant (astrology), the point directly opposite from the… … Wikipedia
descendant or descendent — Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants . Bassett v.… … Black's law dictionary
descendant — or descendent Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants … Black's law dictionary
descendant or descendent — Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants . Bassett v.… … Black's law dictionary
descendant — or descendent Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants … Black's law dictionary