line reeving
Смотреть что такое "line reeving" в других словарях:
reeving line bend — noun : a bend for joining two lines without making a bulky knot so that they will reeve through an opening … Useful english dictionary
connection — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Physical link Nouns 1. connection, bond, tie, link, concatenation; connective, interconnection; daisy chain; nexus, neck, isthmus; nape; bridge, tunnel, causeway, viaduct, etc. See contact, junction. 2.… … English dictionary for students
оснастка талей — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN line reevingreeve … Справочник технического переводчика
Deadeye — A triple deadeye without a lanyard A deadeye is an item used in the standing and running rigging of traditional sailing ships. It is a smallish round thick wooden (usually lignum vitae) disc with one or more holes through it, perpendicular to the … Wikipedia
Grief knot — Knot details name=Grief knot names=What knot, Whatnot, Grass bend, Reeving line bend type=binding type2=trick origin= related=Reef knot, Thief knot, Granny knot releasing=Non jamming strength= caveat=Very weak uses=Used for jokes and tricks. It… … Wikipedia
knot — Synonyms and related words: Blackwall hitch, Chinese puzzle, Flemish knot, French shroud knot, German knot, Gordian knot, Matthew Walker knot, Rube Goldberg contraption, Windsor knot, accouple, accumulate, adhesive, affix, affixation, agglutinate … Moby Thesaurus
reeve — reeve1 [rēv] n. [ME reve, earlier irefe < OE gerefa < ge + base of * rof, row, number] 1. in English history, a) the chief officer, under the king, of a town or district b) the overseer and chief peasant of a manor 2. the elected head of a… … English World dictionary
Cutter (boat) — A gaff cutter KLEINE FREIHEIT with a genoa jib set A cutter may refer to several types of nautical vessels. When used in the context of sailing vessels, a cutter is a small single masted boat, fore and aft rigged, with two or more headsails and… … Wikipedia