line out

line out
вычеркивать набросать контур, общие очертания наметить в общих чертах - to * a route наметить маршрут (сельскохозяйственное) пересаживать, пикировать выстраивать в ряд, в шеренгу бежать;
мчаться - he lined out for home он бросился домой петь или играть громко и пронзительно - to * a song выдать /проорать/ песню

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "line out" в других словарях:

  • Line out — can refer to:* Line out, Low level (1Vp p) analog electrical signal. For connection between audio sources to an amplifier. * Line out (rugby sports), rugby union s equivalent of the throw in in football …   Wikipedia

  • line-out — n the way of starting play again in a ↑Rugby Union game, when the ball has gone off the field …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • line out — [ aut] <engl. > herausführend (von Anschlüssen; Elektrot.) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • line-out — line ,out noun count in RUGBY, a throw of the ball into the air between lines of players from each team, to continue the game after the ball has gone off the field …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • line-out — ► NOUN Rugby Union ▪ a formation of parallel lines of opposing forwards at right angles to the touchline when the ball is thrown in …   English terms dictionary

  • line|out — «LYN OWT», noun. Rugby. the putting of the ball in play from the sideline …   Useful english dictionary

  • Line-out — A line out is the means by which, in rugby union, the ball is put back into play after it has gone into touch. It is the equivalent of the throw in in association football. Rugby league does not have line outs. Instead, a scrum takes place 20… …   Wikipedia

  • line out — verb Date: 1613 transitive verb 1. to indicate with or as if with lines ; outline < line out a route > 2. to arrange in an extended line 3. belt 4 < line out a song > intransitive verb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • line-out — /luyn owt /, n. Rugby. a procedure for putting an out of bounds ball back in play, whereby a player outside the touchline tosses the ball high and between two lines of opposing forwards lined up perpendicular to the touchline. [1885 90; n. use of …   Universalium

  • line-out — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms line out : singular line out plural line outs in rugby union, a throw of the ball into the air between lines of players from each team, to continue the game after the ball has gone off the field …   English dictionary

  • line-out — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: from the phrase line out “to line up, form a line” : a play in rugby which is used to restart the game after the ball has gone into touch and in which the forwards of both teams form two close lines at right angles …   Useful english dictionary

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