line of action
Смотреть что такое "line of action" в других словарях:
line of action — index action (performance), campaign, course, maneuver (tactic), manner (behavior), policy … Law dictionary
Line of action — A line of action is merely the direction of a force. Because forces are vector quantities, the direction of the force vector (and equally, the acceleration vector) will be equal to the line of action.This concept is commonly used in physics and… … Wikipedia
line of action — the line of action of a force is the infinite line defined by extending along the direction of the force from the point where the force acts … Mechanics glossary
line of action — line along which the action is taking place … English contemporary dictionary
line of action of the force — jėgos veikimo linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. line of action of the force; line of application of the force vok. Angriffslinie, f; Wirkungslinie, f rus. линия действия силы, f; линия приложения силы, f pranc. ligne d’action de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
line of action — 1. : the line along which a force or the resultant of any number of forces may be considered to act 2. : the locus of all points of contact between two interacting teeth of a pair of gears … Useful english dictionary
Action Force — was a range of comic book characters and action figures initially based on Action Man.HistoryFirst generation (1982)First produced in 1982 by Palitoy Limited and released in two waves, the action figures were a response to falling sales of the… … Wikipedia
Action Jackson (toy) — Action Jackson was a line of action figures and accessories manufactured by Mego Corporation in the 1970s. Three varieties of dolls were available. Two caucasian models, one with a beard, one without, and one African American model with no… … Wikipedia
action — ac·tion n [Latin actio legal proceeding, from agere to do, carry out, initiate legal proceedings] 1 a: a judicial proceeding for the enforcement or protection of a right, the redress or prevention of a wrong, or the punishment of a public offense … Law dictionary
line — of action dislocation line neutral steer line … Mechanics glossary
Action Man — For the 2nd generation Hasbro Action Man, see . For the 40th anniversary reproductions, see . For the TV show, see Action Man (TV series). For the pro wrestler, see Dick Beyer. Action Man is an action figure boys toy launched in Britain in 1966… … Wikipedia