line ahead
Смотреть что такое "line ahead" в других словарях:
line ahead — noun Britain : column 4a * * * line abreast or line ahead noun Naval formation(s) in which all the vessels are side by side or one behind the other • • • Main Entry: ↑line … Useful english dictionary
line ahead — /laɪn ˈʃɛd/ (say luyn shed) noun a battle formation in which ships, tanks, etc., move in single file, thus maximising their broadside firing …
line abreast — or line ahead noun Naval formation(s) in which all the vessels are side by side or one behind the other • • • Main Entry: ↑line … Useful english dictionary
Line of battle — In naval warfare, the line of battle [If the fleet is in front of the flagship it is a line ahead , if behind a line astern .] is a tactic in which the ships of the fleet form a line, end to end. Its origins are traditionally ascribed to the navy … Wikipedia
Line of succession to the French throne (Napoleonic) — The Napoleonic line of succession is the line of claimants to the French imperial throne, recognized by a majority of Bonapartists. The current line was founded by Napoléon Bonaparte s younger brother Jerome Bonaparte, though earlier claimants… … Wikipedia
line honours — /ˈlaɪn ɒnəz/ (say luyn onuhz) plural noun credit won by a competitor for crossing the finishing line ahead of the others in the race, determined without reference to handicaps, etc. Also, line honors …
Line moiré — is one type of moiré pattern; a pattern that appears when superposing two transparent layers containing correlated opaque patterns. Line moiré is the case when the superposed patterns comprise straight or curved lines. When moving the layer… … Wikipedia
creep line ahead search — An efficient method of searching an area of probability. The area is searched by flying through on a series of parallel tracks, adjacent tracks separated by a distance greater than the sweep width. Short legs are flown to reach the next leg. The… … Aviation dictionary
ahead — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adv. before, in advance (of); leading, winning. See priority, superiority, front.Ant., behind. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Going forward] Syn. advancing, progressing, onward, leading; see forward 1 . 2.… … English dictionary for students
Line Islands — Coordinates: 0°0′S 157°0′W / 0°N 157°W / 0; 157 … Wikipedia
ahead — /euh hed /, adv. 1. in or to the front; in advance of; before: Walk ahead of us. 2. in a forward direction; onward; forward: The line of cars moved ahead slowly. 3. into or for the future: Plan ahead. 4. so as to register a later time: to set the … Universalium