limiting surface

limiting surface
мат. предельная поверхность, орицикл

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "limiting surface" в других словарях:

  • Surface area — is the measure of how much exposed area an object has. It is expressed in square units. If an object has flat faces, its surface area can be calculated by adding together the areas of its faces. Even objects with smooth surfaces, such as spheres …   Wikipedia

  • Surface Freight Forwarder Deregulation Act of 1986 — The Surface Freight Forwarder Deregulation Act of 1986, Public Law 99 521, is a federal law of the United States which eliminated federal regulation of prices, services and entry as to general commodities surface freight forwarders This Act was a …   Wikipedia

  • Limiting parallels — Parallel Par al*lel, n. 1. A line which, throughout its whole extent, is equidistant from another line; a parallel line, a parallel plane, etc. [1913 Webster] Who made the spider parallels design, Sure as De Moivre, without rule or line ? Pope.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scherk surface — In mathematics, a Scherk surface is an example of a minimal surface. Sherk surfaces arise in the study of certain limiting minimal surface problems and in the study of harmonic diffeomorphisms of hyperbolic space.Construction of a simple Scherk… …   Wikipedia

  • Conical surface — A circular conical surface In geometry, a (general) conical surface is the unbounded surface formed by the union of all the straight lines that pass through a fixed point the apex or vertex and any point of some fixed space curve the directrix… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic surface — In mathematics, an algebraic surface is an algebraic variety of dimension two. In the case of geometry over the field of complex numbers, an algebraic surface is therefore of complex dimension two (as a complex manifold, when it is non singular)… …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean surface wave — Ocean surface waves are surface waves that occur on the free surface of the ocean. They usually result from wind, and are also referred to as wind waves. Some waves can travel thousands of miles before reaching land. They range in size from small …   Wikipedia

  • external limiting membrane — 1. a thin fenestrated layer of the stratum nervosum retinae adjacent to the outer nuclear layer and through which extend the visual rods and cones. Called also outer limiting m., external or outer limiting layer, and, in official terminology,… …   Medical dictionary

  • scratch the surface — {v. phr.} To learn or understand very little about something. Usually used with a limiting adverb (as only , hardly ). * /We thought we understood Africa but when we made a trip there we found we had only scratched the surface./ * /High school… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • scratch the surface — {v. phr.} To learn or understand very little about something. Usually used with a limiting adverb (as only , hardly ). * /We thought we understood Africa but when we made a trip there we found we had only scratched the surface./ * /High school… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • internal limiting membrane — 1. the basal lamina of the MÑŒller fibers in the retina; it is the layer of the stratum nervosum retinae located just internal to the nerve fiber layer and separates the inner, conical ends of the cells from the vitreous body. Called also inner… …   Medical dictionary

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