limited rights

limited rights
ограниченные права

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "limited rights" в других словарях:

  • Limited government — is a government structure where any more than minimal governmental intervention in personal liberties and the economy is not usually allowed by law, usually in a written Constitution. It is closely related to libertarianism, classical liberalism …   Wikipedia

  • Limited voting — is a voting system in which electors have fewer votes than there are positions available. The positions are awarded to the candidates who receive the most votes absolutely. In the special case in which the voter may vote for only one candidate… …   Wikipedia

  • limited liability — Shareholders in a limited company are only liable to third parties to the limit of their shareholding. Other participants e.g. directors would not normally have any personal liability except with respect to creditors where there has been wrongful …   Law dictionary

  • limited public forum — n: a public forum created by the government voluntarily for expressive activity that may be restricted as to subject matter or class of speaker – called also limited forum, limited open forum; compare open forum, public forum ◇ The restriction of …   Law dictionary

  • limited recourse debt — USA limited recourse debt, Also known as a non recourse debt. A debt that is secured by a security interest in collateral but for which the lender has limited claims against the borrower in the event of a default. If the borrower defaults, the… …   Law dictionary

  • rights of first offer — USA This requires an equity holder in a company (such as a stockholder or a member) to offer to sell its equity to the other holders before offering to sell to third parties. If the other holders do not buy such offered equity, the selling holder …   Law dictionary

  • limited interdiction — n in the civil law of Louisiana: partial removal of one s rights under limited interdiction he could care for his person but not his estate compare interdiction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • limited title guarantee — One of the two key phrases used to imply covenants for title under the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 in an instrument effecting or purporting to effect a disposition of property (section 1(1)). The other key phrase is full… …   Law dictionary

  • Limited Price Indexation — or LPI is a pricing index used in the calculation of increases in certain components of scheme pension payments in the UK. The LPI is the Retail Prices Index (RPI) capped at 5%. Since the introduction of the LPI, the RPI has never reached 5%, so… …   Wikipedia

  • RIGHTS, HUMAN — The following article deals with the subject of human rights, their essence and the contents of various fundamental rights as reflected in the sources of Jewish Law. The interpretation of Israel s Basic Laws concerning human rights in accordance… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Limited liability partnership — A limited liability partnership (abbreviated as LLP) has elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, all partners have a form of limited liability for each individual s protection within the partnership, similar to that of the… …   Wikipedia

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