- limited monarchy
- конституционная, ограниченная монархия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
limited monarchy — a monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution. [1825 35] * * * limited monarchy noun One in which the monarch shares the supreme power with others, constitutional monarchy • • • Main Entry: ↑limit * * * limited monarchy, = constitutional… … Useful english dictionary
limited monarchy — monarchy that is restricted by a legislature … English contemporary dictionary
limited monarchy — a monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution. [1825 35] * * * … Universalium
limited monarchy — noun A government in which a monarch agrees to share power with a parliament and abide by a constitution; also known as a constitutional monarchy … Wiktionary
limited monarchy — /ˌlɪitəd ˈmɒnəki/ (say .limituhd monuhkee) noun → constitutional monarchy …
limited — 1550s, pp. adjective from LIMIT (Cf. limit) (v.); as a stand alone for limited express train, by 1883. Limited edition is from 1920; limited monarchy from 1640s; limited war is from 1948. In British company names, Limited (abbrev. Ltd.), 1855, is … Etymology dictionary
monarchy — /mon euhr kee/, n., pl. monarchies. 1. a state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or nominally lodged in a monarch. Cf. absolute monarchy, limited monarchy. 2. supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person. [1300 50; ME… … Universalium
monarchy — n. 1) to establish, set up a monarchy 2) to overthrow a monarchy 3) an absolute; constitutional; hereditary; limited monarchy * * * constitutional hereditary limited monarchy set up a monarchy an absolute to establish to overthrow a monarchy … Combinatory dictionary
monarchy — Synonyms and related words: Caesarism, Stalinism, absolute monarchy, absolutism, aristocracy, autarchy, authoritarianism, autocracy, autonomy, benevolent despotism, coalition government, colonialism, commonwealth, constitutional government,… … Moby Thesaurus
limited — adjective Date: 1597 1. a. confined within limits ; restricted < limited success > b. of a train offering faster service especially by making a limited number of stops 2. characterized by enforceable limitations prescribed (as by a constitution)… … New Collegiate Dictionary
limited — /ˈlɪmətəd / (say limuhtuhd) adjective 1. confined within limits; restricted, circumscribed, or narrow: a limited space. 2. restricted with reference to governing powers by limitations prescribed in a constitution: a limited monarchy. 3. (of a… …