limited immunity

limited immunity
ограниченный иммунитет

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "limited immunity" в других словарях:

  • immunity — im·mu·ni·ty /i myü nə tē/ n pl ties [Latin immunitas, from immunis exempt from public service, exempt, from in non + munis (from munia services)] 1: exemption from a duty or liability that is granted by law to a person or class of persons a… …   Law dictionary

  • Immunity from prosecution (international law) — Immunity from prosecution is a doctrine of international law that allows an accused to avoid prosecution for criminal offences. Immunities are of two types. The first is functional immunity, or immunity ratione materiae . This is an immunity… …   Wikipedia

  • immunity — immunity, impunity In non medical contexts immunity means ‘freedom or exemption from an obligation, penalty, or unfavourable circumstance’ and like immune can be followed by to or from: • Balder was a son of the most senior god, Odin, and one… …   Modern English usage

  • limited — I adjective angustus, bounded, brevis, checked, circumscribed, circumscriptive, confined, confining, constricted, controlled, cramped, curbed, definite, enclosed, fixed, hampered, impeded, insular, narrow, parvus, prescribed, restrained,… …   Law dictionary

  • Immunity Aware Programming — When writing firmware for an embedded system, immunity aware programming is a set of programming techniques used in an attempt to tolerate transient errors in the program counter or other that would otherwise lead to failure.Immunity aware… …   Wikipedia

  • immunity — /i myooh ni tee/, n., pl. immunities. 1. the state of being immune from or insusceptible to a particular disease or the like. 2. the condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease. 3. the ability of a cell to react… …   Universalium

  • Diplomatic immunity — For other uses, see Diplomatic immunity (disambiguation). Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or… …   Wikipedia

  • Sovereign immunity — Not to be confused with the principle of public international law that the government of a state is normally not amenable before the courts of another state, see State immunity. Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine by which… …   Wikipedia

  • Sumukan Limited v Commonwealth Secretariat — The Sumukan Limited v Commonwealth Secretariat case was first heard in February 2005 before the internal, administrative tribunal of the Commonwealth Secretariat [CSAT] and on 20 February 2006 an appeal was heard in the Royal Courts of Justice,… …   Wikipedia

  • Parliamentary immunity — Parliamentary immunity, also known as legislative immunity, is a system in which members of the parliament or legislature are granted partial immunity from prosecution. Before prosecuting, it is necessary that the immunity be removed, usually by… …   Wikipedia

  • Public Interest Immunity — (PII) is a principle of English common law under which the English courts can grant a court order allowing one litigant to refrain from disclosing evidence to the other litigants where disclosure would be damaging to the public interest. This is… …   Wikipedia

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