limit of capital investment

limit of capital investment
лимит капитальных вложений

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "limit of capital investment" в других словарях:

  • Capital Guarantee Fund — An investment vehicle offered by certain institutions that guarantees the investor s initial capital investment from any losses. Even though these products prevent investors from losing their invested capital, they also limit the amount of return …   Investment dictionary

  • Capital gains tax in Australia — Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Australia applies to the capital gain made on disposal of any asset, except for specific exemptions. The most significant exemption is the family home. Rollover provisions apply to some disposals, one of the most… …   Wikipedia

  • capital and interest — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, a stock of resources that may be employed in the production of goods and services and the price paid for the use of credit or money, respectively.       Capital in economics is a word of many meanings …   Universalium

  • Capital asset pricing model — In finance, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is used to determine a theoretically appropriate required rate of return of an asset, if that asset is to be added to an already well diversified portfolio, given that asset s non diversifiable… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital Blockade — A form of economic sanction in which a country or a group of countries attempt to limit or entirely stop the amount of investment capital going into another country that is seen to be performing questionable actions. The main goal of a capital… …   Investment dictionary

  • Collective investment scheme — The values and performance of collective funds are listed in newspapers A collective investment scheme is a way of investing money alongside other investors in order to benefit from the inherent advantages of working as part of a group. These… …   Wikipedia

  • Incremental Capital Output Ratio - ICOR — A metric that assesses the marginal amount of investment capital necessary for an entity to generate the next unit of production. Overall, a higher ICOR value is not preferred because it indicates that the entity s production is inefficient. The… …   Investment dictionary

  • Net capital rule — The uniform net capital rule is a rule created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1975 to regulate directly the ability of broker dealers to meet their financial obligations to customers and other creditors.[1] Broker… …   Wikipedia

  • Private investment capital subscription — A private investment capital subscription, commonly referred to as PICS, is a financial tool that relies on a small pool of investors’ money for real estate investments. The money managers of private investment capital subscriptions or PICS are… …   Wikipedia

  • Social capital — is a concept in business, economics, organizational behaviour, political science, public health, sociology and natural resources management that refers to connections within and between social networks. Though there are a variety of related… …   Wikipedia

  • Multilateral Agreement on Investment — The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) was a draft agreement negotiated between members of the Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD) in 1995–1998. Its ostensible purpose was to develop multilateral rules that would …   Wikipedia

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