
ˈlɪlɪˈwaɪt прил.
1) белоснежный, лилейно-белый;
чисто белый lily-white hands ≈ белоснежные руки Syn : snow-white, snowy
2) перен. безукоризненный, безупречный;
идеальный He criticizes people but he is not exactly lily-white himself. ≈ Он критикует людей, тогда как сам небезупречен. Syn : blameless, irreproachable
3) амер.;
неодобр. белый (о расовой принадлежности) a lily-white suburbрайон, где живут только белые lily-white school (американизм) ненавистник негров, белый расист;
член антинегритянской организации (ку-клус-клана и т. п.) белый, как лилия, лилейный - * brow лилейное чело незапятнанный, чистый;
безупречный (американизм) предназначенный только для белых или состоящий только из белых;
сегрегированный - * schools (историческое) школы, не принимающие темнокожих lily-white безупречный ~ лилейно-белый, белоснежный ~ амер. предназначенный только для белых;
не включающий негров;
lily-white school сегрегированная школа ~ амер. предназначенный только для белых;
не включающий негров;
lily-white school сегрегированная школа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lily-white" в других словарях:

  • lily-white — adjective 1. ) LITERARY pure white: lily white skin 2. ) INFORMAL involving or including only white people. This word is usually used for showing that you think people of other races should be included: the lily white private schools 3. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • lily-white — adj 1.) pure white ▪ lily white skin 2.) informal morally perfect ▪ You re not so lily white yourself! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • lily-white — [lil′ēhwīt′, lil′ēwīt′] adj. 1. white as a lily 2. innocent and pure; unsullied: often used sarcastically ☆ 3. practicing discrimination against, or segregation of, nonwhites, esp. blacks …   English World dictionary

  • lily-white — ► ADJECTIVE 1) pure white. 2) totally innocent or pure …   English terms dictionary

  • lily-white — adj. /lil ee hwuyt , wuyt /; n. /lil ee hwuyt , wuyt /, adj. 1. white as a lily: soft lily white skin. 2. pure; untouched by corruption or imperfection; above reproach: He tries to pass himself off as some sort of lily white saint, but he s not.… …   Universalium

  • lily-white — 1. completely white in colour. He marvelled at her lily white hands. 2. completely honest. He s not exactly lily white himself, so he has some nerve calling her a cheat! (often negative) 3. having only white people near, often because of a wish… …   New idioms dictionary

  • lily-white — UK / US adjective 1) literary pure white lily white skin 2) informal completely honest and moral 3) informal involving or including only white people. This word is usually used for showing that you think people of other races should be included… …   English dictionary

  • lily-white — adjective 1 literary pure white: lily white skin 2 informal morally perfect: You re not so lily white yourself! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • lily-white — I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. white as a lily 2. characterized by or favoring the exclusion of blacks especially from politics 3. irreproachable, pure II. noun Date: circa 1903 a member of a lily white political organization …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • lily-white — adjective 1. restricted to whites only under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains a lily white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization • Syn: ↑white • Similar to: ↑segregated, ↑unintegrated 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • lily-white — adjective a) A shade of the color white. Not a pimple nor freckle marred her lily white skin b) Pure, unblemished, immaculate …   Wiktionary

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