
ˈlaɪklɪhud сущ.
1) вероятность There is every likelihood that she'll come. ≈ Скорее всего, она придет. great likelihood ≈ большая вероятность little likelihood ≈ небольшая вероятность in all likelihood Syn : probability
2) редк. многообещающая будущность a young man of great likelihood ≈ молодой человек, подающий большие надежды вероятность - in all * по всей вероятности, по всей видимости (специальное) правдоподобность, правдоподобие - principle (method) of maximum * (статистика) принцип максимального правдоподобия (редкое) (многообещающая) будущность;
предпосылки успеха - a young man of great * молодой человек, подающий большие надежды ~ вероятность;
in all likelihood по всей вероятности likelihood вероятность ~ вероятность;
in all likelihood по всей вероятности ~ редк. многообещающая будущность;
a young man of great likelihood молодой человек, подающий большие надежды ~ правдоподобие ~ of damage вероятность ущерба ~ ratio criterion критерий отношения правдоподобий ~ ratio test критерий отношения правдоподобия maximum ~ вчт. максимальное правдоподобие ~ редк. многообещающая будущность;
a young man of great likelihood молодой человек, подающий большие надежды

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "likelihood" в других словарях:

  • Likelihood — Like li*hood (l[imac]k l[i^]*h[oo^]d), n. [Likely + hood.] 1. Appearance; show; sign; expression. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] What of his heart perceive you in his face By any likelihood he showed to day ? Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Likeness; resemblance …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • likelihood — I noun anticipation, chance, conceivability, conceivableness, confident expectation, excellent prospect, expectance, expectancy, expectation, fair chance, fair prospect, favorable chance, favorable prospect, good chance, good prospect, likeliness …   Law dictionary

  • likelihood — late 14c., resemblance, similarity, from LIKELY (Cf. likely) + HOOD (Cf. hood). Meaning probability is from mid 15c …   Etymology dictionary

  • likelihood — [n] chance of something happening coin flip*, direction, even break, fair shake, fifty fifty*, fighting chance*, good chance*, liability, likeliness, long shot*, outside chance*, plausibility, possibility, presumption, probability, prospect,… …   New thesaurus

  • likelihood — ► NOUN ▪ the state or fact of being likely …   English terms dictionary

  • likelihood — [līk′lē hood΄] n. [ME liklihode: see LIKELY & HOOD] the fact of being likely to happen or something that is likely to happen; probability …   English World dictionary

  • likelihood — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ every (esp. BrE) ▪ There s every likelihood that she ll be able to help us. ▪ greater, increased ▪ high, real, strong …   Collocations dictionary

  • likelihood — [[t]la͟ɪklihʊd[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: usu N of n/ ing, N that The likelihood of something happening is how likely it is to happen. The likelihood of infection is minimal... There didn t seem much likelihood of it happening... There is every… …   English dictionary

  • likelihood — n. 1) great; little likelihood 2) likelihood that + inf. (there is every likelihood that she ll come) 3) in all likelihood * * * [ laɪklɪhʊd] little likelihood great in all likelihood likelihood that + inf. (there is every likelihood that she ll… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • likelihood — like|li|hood [ˈlaıklihud] n [singular, U] 1.) the degree to which something can reasonably be expected to happen = ↑probability likelihood of ▪ Using a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious injury in a car accident.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • likelihood — 01. There is every [likelihood] that we will have a lot of snow in St. Paul this winter. 02. The weather will [likely] remain sunny for the coming week. 03. It s not very [likely] that Marsha will come to the party because she doesn t know… …   Grammatical examples in English

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