- like a shot
- быстро, стремительно, сразу;
в одну минуту;
очень охотно
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
like a shot — ► like a shot informal without hesitation. Main Entry: ↑shot … English terms dictionary
like a shot — adverb without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening he answered immediately found an answer straightaway an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith Come here now! • Syn: ↑immediately, ↑instantly, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
like a shot — if someone does something like a shot, they do it quickly and eagerly. If I had the chance to go to Paris, I d be there like a shot … New idioms dictionary
like a shot — informal when they called his name he ran on to the stage like a shot Syn: without hesitation, unhesitatingly, eagerly, enthusiastically; immediately, at once, right away/now, straightaway, instantly, instantaneously, without delay; informal… … Thesaurus of popular words
like a shot — informal immediately and very quickly He heard a noise downstairs and was out of bed like a shot … English dictionary
like a shot — informal without hesitation; willingly. → shot … English new terms dictionary
like a shot — phrasal very rapidly … New Collegiate Dictionary
like a shot — suddenly, in the blink of an eye ; very gladly, very willingly … English contemporary dictionary
like a shot — idi instantly; quickly … From formal English to slang
off like a shot — If someone is off like a shot, they leave or get going very quickly indeed … The small dictionary of idiomes
like a shot, billy-(ho), the very devil, buggery*, hell, a bat out of hell, lightning, a house on fire, hot cakes, blazes, mad, wildfire — Very quickly or successfully … A concise dictionary of English slang