light-weight concrete
Смотреть что такое "light-weight concrete" в других словарях:
expanded-clay light weight concrete — keramzitbetonis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Betonas, kurio stambusis užpildas – keramzitas. atitikmenys: angl. ceramsite concrete; expanded clay light weight concrete; haydite concrete rus. керамзитбетон … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Concrete leveling — is a procedure that attempts to correct an uneven concrete surface by altering the foundation that the surface sits upon. It is a cheaper alternative to having replacement concrete poured, and commonly performed at small businesses and private… … Wikipedia
Concrete — This article is about the construction material. For other uses, see Concrete (disambiguation). Outer view of the Roman Pantheon, still the largest unreinforced solid concrete dome.[1] … Wikipedia
Concrete degradation — may have various causes. Concrete can be damaged by fire, aggregate expansion, sea water effects, bacterial corrosion, calcium leaching, physical damage and chemical damage (from carbonation, chlorides, sulfates and distilled water). This process … Wikipedia
ceramsite concrete — keramzitbetonis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Betonas, kurio stambusis užpildas – keramzitas. atitikmenys: angl. ceramsite concrete; expanded clay light weight concrete; haydite concrete rus. керамзитбетон … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
haydite concrete — keramzitbetonis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Betonas, kurio stambusis užpildas – keramzitas. atitikmenys: angl. ceramsite concrete; expanded clay light weight concrete; haydite concrete rus. керамзитбетон … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Light rail — For specific light rail systems, many of which use the words light rail as part of their name, see List of tram and light rail transit systems. Edmonton Light Rail Transit in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada … Wikipedia
Glass fiber reinforced concrete — (GFRC) is a type of fiber reinforced concrete. Glass fiber concretes are mainly used in exterior building façade panels and as architectural precast concrete. This material is very good in making shapes on the front of any building and it is less … Wikipedia
Aerated autoclaved concrete — Autoclaved Aerated concrete (AAC), or otherwise known as Autoclave Cellular Concrete (ACC), is a lightweight, precast building material. AAC provides structure, insulation, fire and mold resistance in a single material. AAC products include… … Wikipedia
Falling weight deflectometer — A falling weight deflectometer, FWD, is a testing device used by civil engineers to evaluate the physical properties of pavement. FWD data is primary used to estimate pavement structural capacity for 1) overlay design and 2) to determine if a… … Wikipedia
Reinforced concrete — is concrete in which reinforcement bars ( rebars ), reinforcement grids, plates or fibers have been incorporated to strengthen the concrete in tension. It was invented by French gardener Joseph Monier in 1849 and patented in 1867.[1] The term… … Wikipedia