Смотреть что такое "light-haired" в других словарях:
light-haired — adj. being or having light colored skin and hair; as, a certain light haired girl. Contrasted to {brunet}. [Narrower terms: {redheaded}] Syn: blond, blonde. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
light-haired — adjective being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes (Freq. 1) blond Scandinavians a house full of light haired children • Syn: ↑blond, ↑blonde • Ant: ↑brunet ( … Useful english dictionary
light-haired — adj. Light haired is used with these nouns: ↑man … Collocations dictionary
light — I [[t]la͟ɪt[/t]] BRIGHTNESS OR ILLUMINATION ♦♦ lights, lighting, lit, lighted, lighter, lightest (The form lit is the usual past tense and past participle, but the form lighted is also used.) 1) N UNCOUNT: also the N Light is the brightness that… … English dictionary
Guiding Light (1980–1989) — Guiding Light Main article Guiding Light (1937–1949) Guiding Light (1950–1959) Guiding Light (1960–1969) Guiding Light (1970–1979) Guiding Light (1980–1989) Guiding Light (1990–1999) Guiding Light (2000–2009) … Wikipedia
Big Bay Point Light — Infobox Lighthouse caption = Undated USCG photo location = Big Bay, Michigan coordinates = yearlit = 1896 automated = 1945 yeardeactivated = 1961 (Now Private Aid to Navigation) foundation = construction = Brick shape = Square marking = red brick … Wikipedia
Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = akcstd = altname = Slovensky Hrubosrsky Stavac (Ohar) (Slovenský hrubosrstý Stavač) (Slovenský Ohař Hrubosrstý) ankcgroup = ankcstd = ckcgroup = ckcstd = country = Slovakia fcigroup = 7 fcinum = 320 fcisection = 1.1… … Wikipedia
The Rainbow haired warrior — Jeff Hardy Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hardy. Jeff Hardy … Wikipédia en Français
Fair-haired — a. 1. Having fair or light colored hair. [1913 Webster] 2. favorite; considered especially talented or promising; as, the fair haired boy of the literary set. [prenominal] [informal] Syn: blue eyed(prenominal), white haired(prenominal), white he … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point Loma Light (old) — Infobox Lighthouse name=Point Loma Light caption = The original Point Loma Lighthouse location = Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego, California. coordinates = coord|32|40|18|N|117|14|27|W|region:US type:landmark yearbuilt = 1855 yearlit = 1855 … Wikipedia
Allison (light novels) — Infobox animanga/Header name = Allison caption = Allison light novel volume 1. ja name = アリソン ja name trans = Arison genre = AdventureInfobox animanga/Novel light = yes author = Keiichi Sigsawa illustrator = Kouhaku Kuroboshi publisher =… … Wikipedia