- light signal
- светофор Syn : traffic-light, traffic lights
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
light signal — šviesos signalas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. light signal vok. Lichtsignal, n rus. световой сигнал, m pranc. signal lumineux, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Signal lights — may refer to:*Traffic light, signal lights controlling automotive pedestrian traffic flow *Turn signals, signal lights indicating automotive change of direction *Railway signalling, use of signal lights to control train traffic flow … Wikipedia
position light signal — noun : a fixed railroad signal that gives its indications by varying the positions of two or more lights … Useful english dictionary
signal — Synonyms and related words: ALGOL, COBOL, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, EDP, FORTRAN, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Roman candle, Teletype, Wirephoto, aid to navigation, alarm, alert, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, amber light,… … Moby Thesaurus
signal — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sign/action/sound that sends a message ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, unmistakable ▪ agreed, prearranged ▪ conflicting, confusing, contradictory … Collocations dictionary
Signal velocity — The signal velocity is the speed at which a wave carries information. It describes how quickly a message can be communicated (using any particular method) between two separated parties. Every signal velocity is always slower than (or equal to)… … Wikipedia
light — [1] Something that is easy to operate. [2] Something that has relatively little weight. [3] A vehicle window. See backlight. [4] An illumination device. [5] A British term for window. Also see auxiliary brake light auxiliary driving light back up … Dictionary of automotive terms
signal — 01. When I point to you, that s the [signal] to begin. 02. I hate it when people turn without [signaling]. 03. The teacher [signaled] to the child to sit down. 04. The bombing was a clear [signal] that the peace talks had failed. 05. The linesman … Grammatical examples in English
signal lumineux — šviesos signalas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. light signal vok. Lichtsignal, n rus. световой сигнал, m pranc. signal lumineux, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
light cone — n. Physics a surface in space time, represented as a cone in three dimensions, comprising all the points from which a light signal would reach a given point (at the apex) simultaneously, and that therefore appear simultaneous to an observer at… … Useful english dictionary
Signal lamp — training during World War II. A signal lamp (sometimes called an Aldis lamp, named after Arthur C. W. Aldis who invented a widely used design) is a visual signaling device for optical communication (typically using Morse code). Modern signal… … Wikipedia