light purse
Смотреть что такое "light purse" в других словарях:
Light purse — Purse Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
a light purse is a heavy curse — Life is difficult when you don t have much money … The small dictionary of idiomes
Purse — Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to carry… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Purse crab — Purse Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Purse net — Purse Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Purse pride — Purse Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Purse rat — Purse Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
light´en|er — light|en1 «LY tuhn», intransitive verb. 1. to grow light; become brighter: »The sky lightens before the dawn. 2. Figurative. to brighten: »Her face lightened. 3. to become lighter in color. 4. to flash with lightning: »It thundered and lightened… … Useful english dictionary
light|en — light|en1 «LY tuhn», intransitive verb. 1. to grow light; become brighter: »The sky lightens before the dawn. 2. Figurative. to brighten: »Her face lightened. 3. to become lighter in color. 4. to flash with lightning: »It thundered and lightened… … Useful english dictionary
Light flyweight — Light Flyweight, also known as Junior Flyweight, is a boxing weight class. Professional boxing The weight limit at light flyweight in professional boxing is 108 pounds (49 kilograms). When New York legalized boxing in 1920, the law stipulated a… … Wikipedia
Empty purse — Purse Purse, n. [OE. purs, pors, OF. burse, borse, bourse, F. bourse, LL. bursa, fr. Gr. ? hide, skin, leather. Cf. {Bourse}, {Bursch}, {Bursar}, {Buskin}.] 1. A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English