light current
Смотреть что такое "light current" в других словарях:
light current — silpnoji srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. light current; low current; weak current vok. Schwachstrom, m rus. слабый ток, m pranc. courant faible, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Current quark — Current quarks (also called naked quarks or bare quarks) are defined as the constituent quark cores (constituent quarks with no covering) of a valence quark.[1] If, in one constituent quark, the current quark is hit inside the covering with large … Wikipedia
Current quark mass — The current quark mass is also called the mass of the naked quarks. The mass of the current quark is reduced by the term of the constituent quark covering mass. The current quark mass is a logical consequence of the mathematical formalism of the… … Wikipedia
Light rail in New Jersey — is provided by New Jersey Transit, a corporation which also provides bus and heavy rail services. Contents 1 Hudson–Bergen Light Rail 1.1 HBLR fares 2 Newark Light Rail 2.1 … Wikipedia
Current 93 — in 2007 Background information Origin Britain Genres Apo … Wikipedia
Current 93 — 2007 г. Основная информация … Википедия
Light Rail (MTR) — Light Rail 輕鐵 A Light Rail tr … Wikipedia
Light crude oil — is liquid petroleum that has a low density and flows freely at room temperature.[1] It has a low viscosity, low specific gravity and high API gravity due to the presence of a high proportion of light hydrocarbon fractions.[2] It generally has a… … Wikipedia
Current 93 — bei einem Auftritt am 19. Mai 2007 Current 93 ist ein britisches Musikprojekt, das 1982 von David Tibet (Geburtsname: David Michael Bunting) gegründet wurde. Den Namen „Tibet“ erhielt er von seinem damaligen Weggefährten Genesis P Orridge… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Current 93 — en 2007 Current 93 est un groupe britannique de musique expérimentale formé en 1982 par David Tibet (né David Michael Bunting, rebaptisé Tibet par Genesis P Orridge peu avant la création du groupe) Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Light entertainment — is a term used to describe a broad range of usually televisual performances.Light entertainment in BritainIn the early days of the BBC virtually all broadcast entertainment would be considered light by today s standards, as great pains were taken … Wikipedia