Смотреть что такое "lift-on/lift-off" в других словарях:
lift-on, lift-off — /lɪft ˌɒn/ (say lift .on), /lɪft ˈɒf/ (say lift of) adjective of or relating to a method of transportation of goods in which they are packed in containers which can be easily moved from ship to wharf by forklifts: lift on, lift off shipping …
Lift-off (microtechnology) — Lift off process in microstructuring technology is a method of creating structures (patterning) of a target material on the surface of a substrate (ex. wafer) using a sacrificial material.It is an additive technique as opposed to more traditional … Wikipedia
Lift Off — Single par Jay Z et Kanye West featuring Beyoncé extrait de l’album Watch the Throne Sortie 23 août 2011 (radio) Enregistrement 2010 2011 Sydney … Wikipédia en Français
Lift-off oversteer — (also known as snap oversteer, trailing throttle oversteer, throttle off oversteer, or lift throttle oversteer) is a form of oversteer in an automobile that occurs when the vertical load on the tires shifts from the rear to the front quickly due… … Wikipedia
lift-off — lift offs N VAR Lift off is the beginning of a rocket s flight into space, when it leaves the ground. The lift off was delayed about seven minutes... The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift off … English dictionary
Lift-on-lift-off-Schiff — das; [e]s, e <zu engl. to lift on »aufladen« u. to lift off »abladen«> Frachtschiff, das durch Kräne vertikal be u. entladen wird … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
lift·off — /ˈlıftˌɑːf/ noun, pl offs : the upward movement from the ground by a rocket, helicopter, or space vehicle as it begins flight [noncount] moments after liftoff We have liftoff! [count] a series of successful liftoffs … Useful english dictionary
lift-off — n [U and C] the moment when a vehicle that is about to travel in space leaves the ground →↑take off … Dictionary of contemporary English
lift-off — ► NOUN ▪ the vertical take off of a spacecraft, rocket, etc … English terms dictionary
lift-off — lift ,off noun count or uncount 1. ) => NOTE the time when a space vehicle goes up from the ground into the air 2. ) MAINLY JOURNALISM the time when something important or exciting will happen … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lift|off — «LIHFT F, OF», noun. the firing or launching of a rocket … Useful english dictionary