lift slope
Смотреть что такое "lift slope" в других словарях:
Slope soaring — is a gliding technique used to maintain altitude by flying in the updraft produced by wind blowing up the face of a steep slope. Model glider pilots commonly refer to this as slope gliding or sloping . Pilots of full sized gliders also call the… … Wikipedia
Lift (soaring) — Lift, or more precisely static lift , is rising air used by soaring birds and by humans in gliding, hang gliding and paragliding to make extended soaring flights. There are four principal types of lift:cite book | last = Welch | first = John |… … Wikipedia
lift — [lift] vt. [ME liften < ON lypta < lopt, air, akin to OE lyft, Ger luft, Du lucht] 1. to bring up to a higher position; raise 2. to pick up and move or set [lift the box down from the shelf] 3. to hold up; support high in the air 4. to… … English World dictionary
LIFT — vt: to put an end to: make no longer effective lift the stay Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. lift I … Law dictionary
lift — v 1. hoist, heave, upheave, boost, pull up, pry up, lever; elevate, raise, raise up, upraise, uplift, set up, put up, place up, pick up, set upright, upright, set on its feet, stand [s.t.] up; cast up, thrust up, hold up, uphold, raise high, loft … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ski lift — noun a powered conveyance that carries skiers up a hill • Syn: ↑ski tow, ↑lift • Derivationally related forms: ↑lift (for: ↑lift) • Hypernyms: ↑conveyance, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Controllable slope soaring — Person flying a Walkalong glider by controllable slope soaring. Controllable slope soaring is a type of slope soaring where a slope is made to follow the airplane in gliding flight, both sustaining and controlling the airplane s trajectory by… … Wikipedia
Ridge lift — (or slope lift ) is created when a prevailing wind strikes a geologic obstacle that is large and steep enough to deflect the wind upward. If the wind is strong enough and the ridge high enough, it provides enough force for gliders to stay… … Wikipedia
chair lift — noun a ski lift on which riders (skiers or sightseers) are seated and carried up or down a mountainside; seats are hung from an endless overhead cable • Syn: ↑chairlift • Hypernyms: ↑ski tow, ↑ski lift, ↑lift * * * noun : a power driven conveyor… … Useful english dictionary
Orographic lift — A gravity wave cloud pattern analogous to a ship wake in the downwind zone behind the Île Amsterdam, in the far southern Indian Ocean. The island generates wave motion in the wind passing over it, creating regularly spaced orographic clouds. The… … Wikipedia
Hybrid lift — The Panorama Bahn hybrid lift in Kitzbühel, Austria. Chairs load from the station on the left of this image, gondolas along the carpeted area to the right … Wikipedia