lift shaft

lift shaft
шахта лифта шахта лифта

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lift shaft" в других словарях:

  • shaft — [[t]ʃɑ͟ːft, ʃæ̱ft[/t]] shafts 1) N COUNT: oft n N A shaft is a long vertical passage, for example for a lift. He was found dead at the bottom of a lift shaft. ...old mine shafts. 2) N COUNT: usu n N In a machine, a shaft is a rod that turns round …   English dictionary

  • shaft — /ʃaft / (say shahft) noun 1. a long pole or rod forming the body of various weapons, as a spear, lance, or arrow. 2. something directed as in sharp attack: shafts of sarcasm. 3. a ray or beam: shaft of sunlight. 4. the handle of a hammer, axe,… …  

  • shaft — [ʃɑːft] noun [C] 1) a long narrow passage that goes down through a building or down through the ground a lift shaft[/ex] 2) the handle of a tool 3) literary a long thin line of light …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Shaft construction — concerns the building of vertical openings such as Raises and Shafts. Shafts are vertical openings used for supplying equipment, personnel, and support systems to the horizontal tunnel where the pipeline is installed. They can be temporary or… …   Wikipedia

  • lift — ► VERB 1) raise or be raised to a higher position or level. 2) pick up and move to a different position. 3) formally remove or end (a legal restriction, decision, etc.). 4) (lift off) (of an aircraft, spacecraft, etc.) take off, especially… …   English terms dictionary

  • shaft — ► NOUN 1) a long, narrow part forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or similar. 2) a ray of light or bolt of lightning. 3) a long, narrow, typically vertical hole giving access to a mine, accommodating a lift, etc.… …   English terms dictionary

  • shaft — n. 1) to bore, sink a shaft 2) a cardan (BE), drive (AE) shaft 3) an air; elevator (AE), lift (BE) shaft * * * [ʃɑːft] drive (AE) shaft lift (BE) shaft sink a shaft elevator (AE) an air to bore …   Combinatory dictionary

  • lift — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 (BrE) for taking people/goods between floors ⇨ See also ↑elevator ADJECTIVE ▪ private, service ▪ The hotel has a private lift linking it to the beach. ▪ baggage, goods …   Collocations dictionary

  • shaft — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deep ▪ vertical ▪ narrow ▪ elevator (AmE), lift (BrE) ▪ She almost fell down an elevator shaft …   Collocations dictionary

  • lift — v. & n. v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up, off, out, etc.) raise or remove to a higher position. 2 intr. go up; be raised; yield to an upward force (the window will not lift). 3 tr. give an upward direction to (the eyes or face). 4 tr. a elevate to a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • shaft — I UK [ʃɑːft] / US [ʃæft] noun [countable] Word forms shaft : singular shaft plural shafts ** 1) the main part of something long and thin, not including the end the shaft of an arrow a) the handle of a tool b) a metal bar in an engine that causes… …   English dictionary

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