Смотреть что такое "lifeguard-man" в других словарях:
Lifeguard — Beatmungshilfen sind einfach anzuwendende Hilfsmittel für die Atemspende, die den direkten Mundkontakt zum Atemempfänger unnötig machen und dadurch eine eventuelle Hemmschwelle seitens des Atemspenders sowie die Infektionsgefahr herabsetzen. Sie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
surf|man — «SURF muhn», noun, plural men. 1. a man skilled in handling boats in surf. 2. = lifeguard. (Cf. ↑lifeguard) … Useful english dictionary
The Minus Man — Theatrical release poster Directed by Hampton Fancher Produced by Kei … Wikipedia
List of Baywatch episodes — Below is a list of all the episodes from Baywatch (1989–2001) Contents 1 Season 1 (1989 1990) on NBC 2 Season 2 (1991 1992) in syndication 3 Season 3 (1992 1993) 4 … Wikipedia
Murder in Small Town X — Genre Reality/Murder mystery Created by George Verschoor Robert Fisher Jr. Gordon Cassidy … Wikipedia
Wayne Corporation — logo (1969 1984) Former type Private Industry Transportation Fate Defunct (Bankruptcy) Predecessor Wayne Works Successor Wayne … Wikipedia
Brickhouse Betty — is an adult cartoon character featured online on numerous popular websites, including Newgrounds and Jokaroo. Betty is the brainchild of [ Rum Runners] , a rum drinking duo known only as Sven Angus in the adult film and… … Wikipedia
Sid the Sexist — (real name Sidney Smutt) is a character from the English comic book Viz . Sid s Background and Characteristics Sid and his mates Baz, Bob and Joe, who are all Geordies (meaning they are from Newcastle) spend a lot of time at the pub, using… … Wikipedia
List of past minor and recurring characters from Hollyoaks — This is a list of minor and recurring characters formerly on the Channel 4 soap opera Hollyoaks . See also List of minor and recurring characters from Hollyoaks.2005tacey FoxxPortrayed by Jemma Keys between April 2004 and July 2005.Stacey Foxx… … Wikipedia
USS Bering Strait (AVP-34) — was a Barnegat class small seaplane tender commissioned by the U.S. Navy for use in World War II. Bering Strait tended to seaplanes, and served in the Pacific War in combat areas that provided her three battle stars by war’s end. Post war,… … Wikipedia
Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916 — The Philadelphia Inquirer reported the capture of a man eating shark off the Jersey Shore after the attacks. The Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916 were a series of shark attacks along the coast of New Jersey between July 1 and July 12, 1916, in… … Wikipedia