- life-assurance
- ˈlaɪfəˌʃuərəns = life-insurance страхование жизни life-assurance = lifeinsurance life-assurance = lifeinsurance
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
life assurance — ➔ assurance * * * life assurance UK US noun [U] UK INSURANCE ► LIFE INSURANCE(Cf. ↑life insurance) … Financial and business terms
life assurance — or insurance a contractual arrangement under which, in return for a stipulated premium, a life assurance company undertakes to pay, on the death of the life assured or on the occurrence of such other events as may be agreed, a specified sum of… … Law dictionary
Life assurance — Life Life (l[imac]f), n.; pl. {Lives} (l[imac]vz). [AS. l[imac]f; akin to D. lijf body, G. leib body, MHG. l[imac]p life, body, OHG. l[imac]b life, Icel. l[imac]f, life, body, Sw. lif, Dan. liv, and E. live, v. [root]119. See {Live}, and cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
life assurance — noun insurance paid to named beneficiaries when the insured person dies in England they call life insurance life assurance • Syn: ↑life insurance • Hypernyms: ↑insurance • Hyponyms: ↑endowment insurance, ↑tontine, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
life assurance — An insurance policy that pays a specified amount of money on the death of the life assured or, in the case of an endowment assurance policy, on the death of the life assured or at the end of an agreed period, whichever is the earlier. Life… … Big dictionary of business and management
life assurance — N UNCOUNT Life assurance is the same as life insurance. [BRIT] ...a life assurance policy … English dictionary
life assurance — An insurance policy that pays a specified amount of money on the death of the life assured or, in the case of an endowment assurance policy, on the death of the life assured or at the end of an agreed period, whichever is the earlier. Life… … Accounting dictionary
life assurance — noun Life assurance is used before these nouns: ↑policy … Collocations dictionary
life assurance — gyvybės draudimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis draudimo veikla apibrėžtis Turtinių interesų, susijusių su fizinio asmens gyvybe ir (ar) kapitalo kaupimu, draudimas, kai dėl apdraustojo mirties, kitokio draudžiamojo įvykio arba draudimo sutartyje… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
life assurance or insurance — a contractual arrangement under which, in return for a stipulated premium, a life assurance company undertakes to pay, on the death of the life assured or on the occurrence of such other events as may be agreed, a specified sum of money. Collins… … Law dictionary
Life assurance premium relief — (LAPR) is a United Kingdom taxation rule.It is a tax break that may apply to life assurance policies that provide for a capital sum to be paid on death, where the policy commenced prior to 14 March 1984. It is due in respect of premiums payable… … Wikipedia