Life support — Life support, in the medical field, refers to a set of therapies for preserving a patient s life when essential body systems are not functioning sufficiently to sustain life unaided. Life support therapies utilize some combination of several… … Wikipedia
life support — n equipment, material, and treatment needed to keep a seriously ill or injured patient alive <research shows that if basic life support is used on serious trauma victims within four minutes and advanced life support within eight, nearly 50% of … Medical dictionary
life-support — adj providing support necessary to sustain life esp of, relating to, or being a life support system <life support equipment> … Medical dictionary
life support — noun artificial maintenance of life, continuance of life through medical equipment, extension of life by technological means, sustenance of life by artificial means Generally being kept alive, fostering of life, life retention, preservation of… … Law dictionary
life-support — life′ support adj. med of or pertaining to equipment or measures that sustain or artificially substitute for essential body functions, as breathing, or that allow humans to function within a hostile environment, as outer space or ocean depths •… … From formal English to slang
life support — ► NOUN Medicine ▪ maintenance of vital functions following disablement or in an adverse environment … English terms dictionary
life-support — [līf′sə pôrt΄] adj. 1. Engineering designating or of any system that enables normal living in space, under water, etc. 2. Med. designating or of any device or system, usually connected directly to a patient, that can take over for a vital body… … English World dictionary
life-support — adjective of or pertaining to equipment or methods used to sustain life • Pertains to noun: ↑life support system * * * ¦ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : providing support necessary to sustain life ; especially : of, relating to, or being a life… … Useful english dictionary
life support — noun 1. equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions the astronauts relied on their life support systems • Syn: ↑life support system • Hypernyms: ↑equipment 2. medical equipment that assists or replaces… … Useful english dictionary
life-support — /luyf seuh pawrt , pohrt /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to equipment or measures that sustain or artificially substitute for essential body functions, as breathing or disposal of body wastes: Without life support equipment, the patient might die. 2 … Universalium
life-support — adjective Date: 1965 providing support necessary to sustain life; especially of or relating to a system providing such support < life support equipment > … New Collegiate Dictionary