life model
Смотреть что такое "life model" в других словарях:
Life-Model — Die Artikel Life Model und Life Modell überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen Baustein erst… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Life Model Decoy — In publications from Marvel Comics, a Life Model Decoy (frequently known by the abbreviation LMD) is fictional android designed to function as an exact body double for VIPs. Their design is such that they mimic the subject s outer appearance… … Wikipedia
life-model — /laɪf ˈmɒdl/ (say luyf modl) verb (i) (life modelled, life modelling) to pose as a model for an artist or art class …
Model (art) — For non artistic human models, see Model (person). Art model posing in a French painting school Art models are models who pose for photographers, painters, sculptors, and other artists as part of their work of art. Art models who pose in the nude … Wikipedia
Model, Walther — ▪ German military officer born January 24, 1891, Genthin, near Magdeburg, Germany died April 21, 1945, near Lintorf German field marshal during World War II. Model entered the German army in 1909, held various regimental and staff posts… … Universalium
Life-Modell — Der Lebensvollzug und alle seine mit ihm verknüpften Faktoren sind die Inhalte des Life Modells. 1980 von Carrel B. Germain und Alex Gittermann in den USA entwickelt, umschreibt es die Einbettung und Entwicklung des sozialen Individuums in seine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Life Like — Products LLC (now Life Like Toy and Hobby division of Wm. K. Walthers) is a manufacturer of model railroad products and is based in Baltimore, Maryland. It was founded in the 1950s by a company that pioneered extruded foam ice chests under the… … Wikipedia
Life extension — refers to an increase in maximum or average lifespan, especially in humans, by slowing down or reversing the processes of aging. Average lifespan is determined by vulnerability to accidents and age related afflictions such as cancer or… … Wikipedia
Life Ball — 2007 Der Life Ball (dt. „Lebensball“) in Wien ist die größte Benefiz Veranstaltung in Europa zu Gunsten HIV positiver und AIDS erkrankter Menschen.[1] Hinter dem Life Ball steht der 1992 von Gery Keszler und dem damals selbst betroffenen Ar … Deutsch Wikipedia
model — n Model, example, pattern, exemplar, ideal, standard, beau ideal, mirror are comparable when they denote something set or held before one for guidance or imitation in conduct or endeavor. Model applies to a person or thing set before one for… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Model horse showing — is a hobby built around the collection of scale model horses, with equal focus on honoring the (live) horse show industry as well as the artistic merit of the miniatures. Contents 1 Classes Divisions 1.1 Halter Division 1.2 Collectibility… … Wikipedia