Смотреть что такое "liegeman" в других словарях:
Liegeman — Liege man (l[=e]j man), n.; pl. {Liegemen} (l[=e]j men). Same as {Liege}, n., 2. Chaucer. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
liegeman — index subject (object) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
liegeman — [lēj′mən] n. pl. liegemen [lēj′mən] 1. a vassal 2. a loyal follower: Also liege man … English World dictionary
liegeman — /leej meuhn, leezh /, n., pl. liegemen. 1. a vassal; subject. 2. a faithful follower. [1300 50; ME; see LIEGE, MAN1] * * * … Universalium
liegeman — noun A male liege (subject of a sovereign or lord) … Wiktionary
Liegeman — A man who owed allegiance and service to a *liege lord. Cf. Ligeus … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
liegeman — noun (plural liegemen) historical a vassal who owed feudal service or allegiance to a nobleman … English new terms dictionary
Liegeman — A sworn vassal who has commited himself to the homage of his liege lord, generally a military and political alliance … Medieval glossary
liegeman — liege•man [[t]ˈlidʒ mən, ˈliʒ [/t]] n. pl. men 1) why a vassal; subject 2) why a faithful follower • Etymology: 1300–50 … From formal English to slang
liegeman — /ˈlidʒmən/ (say leejmuhn) noun (plural liegemen) 1. a vassal; a subject. 2. a faithful follower …
liegeman — /liyjman/ He that oweth allegiance … Black's law dictionary