liberties — n. Specific instances of freedom from restrictions; rights or privileges. See also civil liberties The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
Liberties — Liberty Lib er*ty (l[i^]b [ e]r*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Liberties} ( t[i^]z). [OE. liberte, F. libert[ e], fr. L. libertas, fr. liber free. See {Liberal}.] 1. The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
liberties — /libartiyz/ Privileged districts exempt from the sheriffs jurisdiction; as, gaol liberties. See gaol. In colonial times, laws, or legal rights resting upon them. The early colonial ordinances in Massachusetts were termed laws and liberties, and… … Black's law dictionary
liberties — /libartiyz/ Privileged districts exempt from the sheriffs jurisdiction; as, gaol liberties. See gaol. In colonial times, laws, or legal rights resting upon them. The early colonial ordinances in Massachusetts were termed laws and liberties, and… … Black's law dictionary
Liberties — The word liberty is frequently used to denote the privileged areas also known as precincts, which are dealt with under that head. But the word liberties is also used to denote the outlying areas not included within the City walls, which… … Dictionary of London
liberties — n. undue familiarity to take liberties with * * * [ undue familiarity ] to take liberties with … Combinatory dictionary
Liberties of the Savoy — The Liberties of the Savoy were one of several areas in London known as liberties in which the rule of law was different from the rest of London.In the case of the Liberties of the Savoy, the area was where the Savoy Hotel and Savoy Theatre now… … Wikipedia
Liberties of the Tower of London — The Liberties of the Tower, or the Tower Liberty was an area adjoining the Tower of London, which was outside the jurisdiction of either the City of London or the County of Middlesex.The liberty originally consisted of the area inside the walls… … Wikipedia
liberties — lib·er·ty || lɪbÉ™(r)tɪ n. freedom from outside control, independence; power to think and act freely; emancipation; freedom from captivity; right, privilege; presumption, forwardness, impertinence … English contemporary dictionary
liberties — n. pl. 1. Limits (of a prison, etc.). 2. Unwarrantable freedom. 3. Immunities, franchises, privileges … New dictionary of synonyms
liberties — Privileged communities or districts. The fundamental rights and privileges of the people guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the state constitutions. See liberty … Ballentine's law dictionary