liberal party

liberal party
либеральная партия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "liberal party" в других словарях:

  • Liberal Party — is the name of dozens of political parties around the world. It usually designates a party that is ideologically liberal, meaning that they advocate individual rights and civil liberties, and sometimes left wing, meaning that they are egalitarian …   Wikipedia

  • Liberal Party —   [ lɪbrəl pɑːti], britische Partei, nach der Parlamentsreform von 1832 hervorgegangen v. a. aus der Partei der Whigs, war bis ins beginnende 20. Jahrhundert neben den Konservativen die zweite tragende Kraft des britischen Parlamentarismus.  … …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Liberal Party (UK) — Infobox Historic Political Party party name= Liberal Party party party articletitle= Liberal Party (UK) active= 1859 1988 ideology= Classical Liberalism Social Liberalism position= Centre, Centre left international= Liberal International preceded …   Wikipedia

  • Liberal party — a political party in Great Britain, formed about 1830 as a fusion of Whigs and Radicals and constituting one of the dominant British parties in the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries. * * * British political party that emerged in the mid… …   Universalium

  • Liberal Party —    In the years following the Second World War, the Liberal Party went into a long term decline. The Conservatives and Labour were firmly established as the two main parties of Britain, a position which was strengthened by the bipartisan nature… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Liberal Party —    In British politics, the Liberal Party was the nineteenth century successor to the Whigs of the Stuart and Hanoverian eras. In their own minds, the Liberals were the party of reform, liberty, and progress. Although in socialist dogma they were …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • Liberal Party — Die Liberal Party [ˈlɪbəɹəl ˈpɑːti] war eine politische Partei in Großbritannien. Sie ging in den 1830er Jahren aus der Whig Party und den sogenannten Radikalen hervor, zu denen sich später noch die Anhänger von Sir Robert Peel gesellten. Einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Liberal Party — Parti libéral Dans de nombreux pays, il existe un parti libéral ou apparenté. Mais le nom du parti ne fait pas forcément référence à une tradition politique fondée sur le libéralisme. Selon les pays, le terme libéral peut recouvrir des idéologies …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Liberal Party — (Hamiflaga Haliberalit)    A political party established during the fifth Knesset (1961 65) by a merger of the General Zionist Party (Hatzionim Haklaliyim) and the Progressive Party (Hamiflaga Haprogressivit). The party s beginnings can be traced …   Historical Dictionary of Israel

  • Liberal Party — N PROPER: the N, N n In Britain, the Liberal Party was a political party which believed in limited controls on industry, the providing of welfare services, and more local government and individual freedom. Liberal Party is also used to refer to… …   English dictionary

  • Liberal Party of New York — Chairman Henry Stern Founded 1944 …   Wikipedia

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