- liberal construction
- расширительное толкование
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
liberal construction — /lib(a)ral kanstrakshan/ antarprateyshan/ See construction; interpretation; extensive interpretation +strict and liberal construction Strict (or literal) construction is construction of a statute or other instrument according to its letter, which … Black's law dictionary
liberal construction — /lib(a)ral kanstrakshan/ antarprateyshan/ See construction; interpretation; extensive interpretation +strict and liberal construction Strict (or literal) construction is construction of a statute or other instrument according to its letter, which … Black's law dictionary
liberal construction — A broad construction. A construction of the words of a contract, either singly or in connection with the subject matter, giving the words full effect so as to carry out the intention of the parties. 17 Am J2d Contr § 253. An interpretation of a… … Ballentine's law dictionary
liberal construction or interpretation — /lib(a)ral kanstrakshan/ antarprateyshan/ See construction; interpretation; extensive interpretation +strict and liberal construction Strict (or literal) construction is construction of a statute or other instrument according to its letter, which … Black's law dictionary
liberal construction or interpretation — /lib(a)ral kanstrakshan/ antarprateyshan/ See construction; interpretation; extensive interpretation +strict and liberal construction Strict (or literal) construction is construction of a statute or other instrument according to its letter, which … Black's law dictionary
construction — con·struc·tion /kən strək shən/ n: the act or result of construing, interpreting, or explaining meaning or effect (as of a statute or contract) the construction placed upon an agreement J. D. Calamari and J. M. Perillo Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
Liberal — Lib er*al (l[i^]b [ e]r*al), a. [F. lib[ e]ral, L. liberalis, from liber free; perh. akin to libet, lubet, it pleases, E. lief. Cf. {Deliver}.] 1. Free by birth; hence, befitting a freeman or gentleman; refined; noble; independent; free; not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Liberal education — Liberal Lib er*al (l[i^]b [ e]r*al), a. [F. lib[ e]ral, L. liberalis, from liber free; perh. akin to libet, lubet, it pleases, E. lief. Cf. {Deliver}.] 1. Free by birth; hence, befitting a freeman or gentleman; refined; noble; independent; free;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
liberal — I (broad minded) adjective adaptable to change, advanced, emancipated, fair minded, flexible, free thinking, impartial, liberalis, liberated, neutral, nonpartisan, not narrow minded, objective, open, open minded, progressive, receptive, tolerant … Law dictionary
construction — Interpretation of statute, regulation, court decision or other legal authority. The process, or the art, of determining the sense, real meaning, or proper explanation of obscure, complex or ambiguous terms or provisions in a statute, written… … Black's law dictionary
construction — Interpretation of statute, regulation, court decision or other legal authority. The process, or the art, of determining the sense, real meaning, or proper explanation of obscure, complex or ambiguous terms or provisions in a statute, written… … Black's law dictionary