liaison officer
Смотреть что такое "liaison officer" в других словарях:
liaison officer — noun An officer forming a link with another unit or force • • • Main Entry: ↑liaison * * * liˈaison officer [liaison officer] noun a person whose job is to make sure that there is a good relationship between two groups of people, organizations,… … Useful english dictionary
liaison officer — staff officer that acts as a liaison between other officers, officer that acts as a liaison between military institutions … English contemporary dictionary
liaison officer — noun (C) someone whose job is to talk to different departments or groups and to tell each of them about what the others are doing … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Juvenile Liaison Officer — The theory of a Juvenile Liaison Officer scheme in the Republic of Ireland was put forward to the Minister for Justice Gerard Collins in 1985 (Revision). It has since been passed and is similar to the ASBO scheme in the UK. The main difference is … Wikipedia
Terrorism Liaison Officer — A Terrorism Liaison Officer is a public citizen in the United States of America who has been trained to report suspicious activity that may be encountered during the course of his or her normal occupation as part of the United States War on… … Wikipedia
Security Liaison Officer — Security Liaison Officers (SLOs) of CSIS are posted at Canadian embassies and consulates to gather security related intelligence from other nations. This information may be gathered from other national intelligence agencies, law enforcement… … Wikipedia
Family Liaison Officer — A Police Family Liaison Officer (FLO) is a role of an officer either of uniformed or plain clothed Criminal Investigation Department (CID) role, although some companies and schools have FLO s the best known and most used are of the Police s.… … Wikipedia
Australian Botanical Liaison Officer — is a secondment position, held for up to twelve months by an Australian botanist (or expert in Australian botany) at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London, England in the United Kingdom. The position was created in 1937, and the first ABLO was … Wikipedia
air liaison officer — sąveikos su aviacija karininkas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Taktinių oro pajėgų arba jūrų aviacijos karininkas, priskirtas prie sausumos ar laivyno dalinio (formuotės) kaip patarėjas taktiniams oro operacijų reikalams. atitikmenys: angl.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
air transport liaison officer — sąveikos su oro transportu karininkas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Karininkas, priskirtas prie štabo ar dalinio eiti oro transporto ryšių tarnybos karininko pareigas. atitikmenys: angl. air transport liaison officer pranc. officier de… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
airborne force liaison officer — oro desanto sąveikos karininkas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Karininkas, kuris atstovauja oro desanto pajėgoms ir palaiko sąveiką su oro pajėgomis aerodromuose, naudojamuose desantavimo operacijoms. atitikmenys: angl. airborne force… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas