- lexigraphic
- идеографический (о системе письма)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lexigraphic — Lex i*graph ic (l[e^]ks [i^]*gr[a^]f [i^]k), a. [Cf. F. lexigraphique.] Of or pertaining to lexigraphy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lexigraphic — Synonyms and related words: abecedarian, allographic, alphabetic, capital, conjugate, derivative, echoic, etymologic, graphemic, ideographic, lettered, lexical, lexicographic, lexicologic, literal, logogrammatic, logographic, lower case,… … Moby Thesaurus
lexigraphic — lex·i·graph·ic … English syllables
lexigraphic — … Useful english dictionary
lexigraphy — noun a) The representation of words in writing. ‘Semasiography’ and ‘lexigraphy’ are the two categories of writing, and logography is one type of lexigraphy. b) A system of writing in which there is a one to one correspondence between symbols and … Wiktionary
lexigraphical — adjective see lexigraphic * * * lexigraphic / grafˈik/ or lexigraphˈical adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑lexigraphy … Useful english dictionary
lex|i|graph|i|cal — «LEHK suh GRAF uh kuhl», adjective. = lexigraphic. (Cf. ↑lexigraphic) … Useful english dictionary
Lexicographic product of graphs — In graph theory, the lexicographic product or graph composition G ∙ H of graphs G and H is a graph such that * the vertex set of G ∙ H is the cartesian product V(G) imes V(H) ; and * any two vertices (u,u ) and (v,v ) are adjacent in G ∙ H if and … Wikipedia
Eyewitness Books — is a series of nonfiction books intended for young adults. They were first published in England by Dorling Kindersley in 1988. The series now has over one hundred titles on a variety of subjects, such as dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, flags, chemistry … Wikipedia
abecedarian — Synonyms and related words: aboriginal, allographic, alphabetarian, alphabetic, antenatal, apprentice, articled clerk, autochthonous, beginner, beginning, boot, budding, capital, catechumen, certified teacher, creative, dabbler, debutant,… … Moby Thesaurus
alphabetic — Synonyms and related words: abecedarian, allographic, capital, graphemic, ideographic, lettered, lexigraphic, literal, logogrammatic, logographic, lower case, majuscule, minuscular, minuscule, pictographic, transliterated, uncial, upper case … Moby Thesaurus