lexicographic product

lexicographic product
мат. лексикографическое произведение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lexicographic product" в других словарях:

  • Lexicographic product — In mathematics, a lexicographical or lexicographic product may be formed of * graphs ndash; see lexicographic product of graphs. * orders ndash; see lexicographical order …   Wikipedia

  • Lexicographic product of graphs — In graph theory, the lexicographic product or graph composition G ∙ H of graphs G and H is a graph such that * the vertex set of G ∙ H is the cartesian product V(G) imes V(H) ; and * any two vertices (u,u ) and (v,v ) are adjacent in G ∙ H if and …   Wikipedia

  • lexicographic order — noun a) Formally, given two partially ordered sets A and B, the order ≤ on the Cartesian product A × B such that (a,b) ≤ (a′,b′) if and only if a < a′ or (a = a′ and b ≤ b′). b) Given sets (A, A, ..., A) and their total orderings (<, < …   Wiktionary

  • Cyclic order — In mathematics, a cyclic order is a way to arrange a set of objects in a circle.[nb] Unlike most structures in order theory, a cyclic order cannot be modeled as a binary relation a < b . One does not say that east is more clockwise than west.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (L) — NOTOC L L (complexity) L BFGS L² cohomology L function L game L notation L system L theory L Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l Intelligence des Lignes Courbes L Hôpital s rule L(R) La Géométrie Labeled graph Labelled enumeration theorem Lack… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyclically ordered group — In mathematics, a cyclically ordered group is a set with both a group structure and a cyclic order, such that left and right multiplication both preserve the cyclic order. Cyclically ordered groups were first studied in depth by Ladislav Rieger… …   Wikipedia

  • Graph operations — Operations on graphs produce new graphs from old ones. They may be separated into the following major categories. Contents 1 Unary operations 1.1 Elementary operations 1.2 Advanced operations 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Graph (mathematics) — This article is about sets of vertices connected by edges. For graphs of mathematical functions, see Graph of a function. For statistical graphs, see Chart. Further information: Graph theory A drawing of a labeled graph on 6 vertices and 7 edges …   Wikipedia

  • Split interval — In topology, the split interval is a space that results from splitting each point in a closed interval into two adjacent points. It may be defined as the lexicographic product [0, 1] × {0, 1} with the order topology. It is also known as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Permutation — For other uses, see Permutation (disambiguation). The 6 permutations of 3 balls In mathematics, the notion of permutation is used with several slightly different meanings, all related to the act of permuting (rearranging) objects or values.… …   Wikipedia

  • Lexicographical order — In mathematics, the lexicographic or lexicographical order, (also known as lexical order, dictionary order, alphabetical order or lexicographic(al) product), is a generalization of the way the alphabetical order of words is based on the… …   Wikipedia

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