leveraged company
Смотреть что такое "leveraged company" в других словарях:
leveraged company — company that has large financial leverage, company that depends largely on foreign capital … English contemporary dictionary
leveraged company — A company that has debt in its capital structure. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
leveraged — lev‧er‧aged [ˈliːvərɪdʒd ǁ ˈle , ˈliː ] adjective FINANCE 1. a leveraged company is financed by a high level of borrowing in relation to its share capital (= the money it has from selling its shares ) : • The company is profitable even though it… … Financial and business terms
Leveraged Recapitalization — A strategy where a company takes on significant additional debt with the purpose of either paying a large dividend or repurchasing shares. The result is a far more financially leveraged company. This is often used in risk arbitrage. It is also a… … Investment dictionary
leveraged recapitalization — Often used in risk arbitrage. A public company takes on significant additional debt with the purpose of either paying an extraordinary dividend or repurchasing shares, leaving the public shareholders with a continuing interest in a more… … Financial and business terms
leveraged buyout — leveraged buy·out / bī ˌau̇t/ n: the acquisition of a company usu. by members of its own management using debt to finance the purchase of equity with debt to be paid by future profits or sale of company assets Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary
leveraged — USA In the context of finance, the relationship of debt to equity in a borrower s capital structure. The higher the borrower s debt, the more highly leveraged a borrower is said to be. In practice, the term “leveraged” is used when the amount of… … Law dictionary
leveraged finance — Finance where the level of debt provided is more than would be considered normal. The lenders in leveraged finance transactions are therefore considered to take more risk than normal, and consequently charge their borrowers a higher margin. As a… … Law dictionary
leveraged takeover — ➔ takeover * * * leveraged takeover UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE a situation in which a company buys another by using borrowed money: »He launched his proposal for the leveraged takeover last month … Financial and business terms
leveraged buyout — n technical when someone borrows money to buy all or most of the ↑stock of a company by promising to pay the bank back by selling the company s ↑assets if they cannot pay back the money they borrowed … Dictionary of contemporary English
Leveraged buyout — A leveraged buyout (or LBO, or highly leveraged transaction (HLT), or bootstrap transaction) occurs when a financial sponsor acquires a controlling interest in a company s equity and where a significant percentage of the purchase price is… … Wikipedia