level of variability

level of variability
мат. степень изменчивости

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "level of variability" в других словарях:

  • Current sea level rise — This article is about the current and future rise in sea level associated with global warming. For sea level changes in Earth s history, see Sea level#Changes through geologic time. Sea level measurements from 23 long tide gauge records in… …   Wikipedia

  • Sea level rise — is an increase in sea level. Multiple complex factors may influence this change. Sea level has risen about 130 meters (400 ft) since the peak of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Most of the rise occurred before 6,000 years ago. From 3,000 …   Wikipedia

  • Health Level 7 — Health Level Seven (HL7), is an all volunteer, non profit organization involved in development of international healthcare informatics interoperability standards.[1] HL7 is also used to refer to some of the specific standards created by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Price Level Targeting — A monetary policy goal of keeping overall price levels stable, or meeting a pre determined price level target. The price level used as a barometer is the Consumer Price Index (CPI), or some similarly broad measure of cost inputs. A central bank… …   Investment dictionary

  • степень изменчивости сжимаемости основания ( level of the base compression variability), aE — 3.34 степень изменчивости сжимаемости основания ( level of the base compression variability), aE ,sl: Отношение приведенного по глубине наибольшего значения модуля деформации грунта к его наименьшему значению или максимальной вертикальной… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • степень изменчивости сжимаемости просадочных грунтов основания ( level of the base compression variability), aE — 3.35 степень изменчивости сжимаемости просадочных грунтов основания ( level of the base compression variability), aE ,sl: Отношение наибольшего значения приведенного по глубине модуля деформации просадочных грунтов природной влажности к его… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Above ground level — In aviation and atmospheric sciences, an altitude is said to be above ground level (AGL) when it is measured with respect to the underlying ground surface. This is as opposed to above mean sea level (AMSL), or in broadcast engineering, height… …   Wikipedia

  • Little Ice Age — The reconstructed depth of the Little Ice Age varies between different studies (anomalies shown are from the 1950–80 reference period). The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period (Medieval… …   Wikipedia

  • Emotional aperture — has been defined as the ability or skill to perceive features of group emotionsSanchez Burks, J. Huy, Q. (2008) Emotional Aperture: The Accurate Recognition of Collective Emotions. Organization Science, pp. 1 13] . Examples of features of group… …   Wikipedia

  • Heat lightning — is a misnomer for the faint flashes of lightning on the horizon or other clouds from distant thunderstorms that do not have accompanying sounds of thunder. Heat lightning was named because it often occurs on hot summer nights, and to distinguish… …   Wikipedia

  • Choropleth map — The US Presidential Election of 2004, visualised using a choropleth map A choropleth map (Greek χώρος + πληθαίν:, ( area/region + multiply ) is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the… …   Wikipedia

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