- less discount
- за вычетом скидки, со скидкой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
discount — dis·count 1 / dis ˌkau̇nt/ n: a reduction made from the gross amount or value of something: as a: a reduction made from a regular or list price or a proportionate deduction from a debt account usu. made for prompt payment or for payment in cash b … Law dictionary
discount — or discount rate [dis′kount΄; ] for v., also [ dis kount′] n. [< OFr desconter, to count off < ML discomputare: see DIS & COMPUTE] 1. a) a reduction from a usual or list price b) a deduction from a debt, allowed for paying promptly or in… … English World dictionary
discount share — n: a share of corporate stock issued at less than par value Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
discount house — ☆ discount house or discount store n. a retail store that sells its goods for less than the regular or list prices … English World dictionary
discount — a deduction made from the normal cost or purchase price. Glossary of Business Terms 1) Quality differences between those standards set for some futures contracts and the quality of the delivered goods. If inferior goods are tendered for delivery … Financial and business terms
Discount — Referring to the selling price of a bond, a price below its par value. Related: premium. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. discount dis‧count 1 [ˈdɪskaʊnt] noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE a reduction in the cost of goods or services… … Financial and business terms
discount — In a general sense, an allowance or deduction made from a gross sum on any account whatever. In a more limited and technical sense, the taking of interest in advance. A deduction from an original price or debt, allowed for paying promptly or in… … Black's law dictionary
discount — In a general sense, an allowance or deduction made from a gross sum on any account whatever. In a more limited and technical sense, the taking of interest in advance. A deduction from an original price or debt, allowed for paying promptly or in… … Black's law dictionary
discount — noun / dɪskaυnt/ 1. the percentage by which the seller reduces the full price for the buyer ● to give a discount on bulk purchases ♦ to sell goods at a discount or at a discount price to sell goods below the normal price ♦ 10% discount for cash… … Dictionary of banking and finance
Discount window — The discount window is an instrument of monetary policy (usually controlled by central banks) that allows eligible institutions to borrow money from the central bank, usually on a short term basis, to meet temporary shortages of liquidity caused… … Wikipedia
discount — noun / dɪskaυnt/ the percentage by which the seller reduces the full price for the buyer ● to give a discount on bulk purchases ♦ to sell goods at a discount or at a discount price to sell goods below the normal price ♦ 10% discount for cash or… … Marketing dictionary in english