lens diaphragm
Смотреть что такое "lens diaphragm" в других словарях:
Lens diaphragm — Диафрагма объектива … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Lens diaphragm scale — Шкала диафрагм объектива … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Lens-diaphragm chart — Шкала индексов диафрагм … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
diaphragm — ► NOUN 1) a dome shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. 2) a taut flexible membrane in mechanical or acoustic systems. 3) a thin contraceptive cap fitting over the cervix. 4) a device for varying the… … English terms dictionary
diaphragm — [dī′ə fram΄] n. [ME diafragma < LL diaphragma < Gr < dia , through + phragma, a fence < phrassein, to enclose] 1. the partition of muscles and tendons between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity; midriff: see LUNG 2. a) any… … English World dictionary
Diaphragm (optics) — A 35 mm lens set to f/8; the diameter of the seven sided entrance pupil, the virtual image of the opening in the iris diaphragm, is 4.375 mm In optics, a diaphragm is a thin opaque structure with an opening (aperture) at its center. The role of… … Wikipedia
diaphragm — 1. The musculomembranous partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities. SYN: diaphragma (2) [TA], interseptum, midriff, phren (1). 2. A thin disk pierced with an opening, used in a microscope, camera, or other op … Medical dictionary
Diaphragm — Contents 1 Optics and photography 2 Acoustics 3 Other 4 … Wikipedia
diaphragm — /duy euh fram /, n. 1. Anat. a. a muscular, membranous or ligamentous wall separating two cavities or limiting a cavity. b. the partition separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity in mammals. 2. Physical Chem. a. a porous plate… … Universalium
diaphragm — 1. noun /ˈdaɪəˌfræm/ a) In mammals, a sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen, contracted and relaxed in respiration to draw air into and expel air from the lungs; also called thoracic diaphragm. b) Any of various membranes or… … Wiktionary
diaphragm — n. 1 a muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. 2 a partition in animal and plant tissues. 3 a disc pierced by one or more holes in optical and acoustic systems etc. 4 a device for varying the effective aperture of… … Useful english dictionary