Смотреть что такое "lemon-shaped" в других словарях:
lemon drop — noun A yellow lemon flavored and lemon shaped candy … Wiktionary
lemon sign — scalloping of the frontal bones giving the skull a lemon shaped configuration in axial section in sonography of the fetal skull during the second trimester of pregnancy; a sign of the Arnold Chiari deformity … Medical dictionary
Lemon Hill — is a Federal style mansion in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, built by Robert Morris. It was named after the many lemon trees in the greenhouse when the second owner bought the house. Exceptional architectural features of the house include 3 oval… … Wikipedia
lemon — [lem′ən] n. [ME lymon < MFr limon < Ar laimūn < Pers līmūn] 1. a small, egg shaped, edible citrus fruit with a yellow rind and a juicy, sour pulp, rich in ascorbic acid 2. the small, spiny, semitropical evergreen citrus tree (Citrus… … English World dictionary
Lemon tetra — Taxobox name = Lemon Tetra image width = 250px image caption = a lemon tetra regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Characiformes familia = Characidae subfamilia = incertae sedis genus = Hyphessobrycon species = H.… … Wikipedia
Lemon drop — For the chili pepper, see Lemon Drop .: For the Vintage guitar, see Vintage V100MRPGM Lemon Drop .A lemon drop is a sugary, lemon flavored candy that is typically colored yellow and often shaped like a miniature lemon. They can be sweet or have a … Wikipedia
Lemon verbena — Taxobox name = Lemon Verbena image width = 240px regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Lamiales familia = Verbenaceae genus = Aloysia species = A. citrodora binomial = Aloysia citrodora binomial authority =… … Wikipedia
Lemon Drop — Taxobox name = Lemon Drop image width = 250px image caption = A lemon drop chile regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida subclassis = Asteridae ordo = Solanales familia = Solanaceae genus = Capsicum species = C. baccatum… … Wikipedia
lemon wedge — wedge shaped piece of lemon, one fourth or one eighth of a lemon (used as a garnish or addition to food or drinks) … English contemporary dictionary
lemon squeezer — /ˈlɛmən skwizə/ (say lemuhn skweezuh) noun 1. a kitchen juice extractor comprising a serrated peak rising from a saucer shaped base on which halved lemons, etc., may be squeezed down to extract the juice. 2. Colloquial a brimmed and peaked hat of …
Sicklefin lemon shark — Conservation status … Wikipedia