legwear garment
Смотреть что такое "legwear garment" в других словарях:
Pantyhose for men — A man wearing patterned male pantyhose In American English, the term pantyhose refers to a garment traditionally worn by women, at least since their introduction in 1959. However, some manufacturers also produce pantyhose for men (or male… … Wikipedia
Skirt — For the cut of beef, see skirt steak. Polka dot skirt on a hanger. A skirt is a tube or cone shaped garment that hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. In the western world, skirts are usually considered women s clothing.… … Wikipedia
Pantyhose — Sheer pantyhose Pantyhose (called tights in the United Kingdom and a few other countries) are sheer, close fitting legwear, covering the wearer s body from the waist to the feet. Mostly considered to be a woman s and girl s garment, pantyhose… … Wikipedia
Kilt — This article is about the garment. For the acronym, see KILT (disambiguation). Kilts redirects here. For the chief executive officer of The Gillette Company, see James M. Kilts. The kilt is a knee length garment with pleats at the rear,… … Wikipedia
Cycling shorts — A fashion model with biking gear including cycling shorts. Cycling shorts (also known as bike shorts, bicycling shorts or knicks) are short, skin tight legwear designed to improve comfort and efficiency while cycling.[1] They: reduce wind… … Wikipedia
Bib — *Trisopterus luscus, a fish. *Bib (garment), a garment worn to protect clothing from spilling, or the part of garments like overalls and some dresses that covers the chest. *Bag in box, a packaging method for wine. *Bibendum, the mascot of… … Wikipedia
Hosiery — is knitted coverings for the legs and feet. Also referred to as legwear, hosiery describes garments worn directly on the feet and legs. The term originated as the collective term for products of which a maker or seller is termed a hosier; and… … Wikipedia