legitimist — LEGITIMÍST, Ă, legitimişti, ste, s.m. şi f., adj. (Persoană) care susţine o dinastie sau un suveran, consideraţi drept singurii îndreptăţiţi să ocupe tronul. – Din fr. légitimiste. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 legitimíst s … Dicționar Român
legitimist — legitìmist (legitimȉst) m DEFINICIJA 1. zagovornik, pobornik načela legitimiteta 2. pobornik prava nasljeđivanja po zakonitoj lozi, pobornik svrgnute dinastije ETIMOLOGIJA vidi legalan … Hrvatski jezični portal
Legitimist — Le*git i*mist ( m[i^]st), n. [Cf. F. l[ e]gitimiste.] 1. One who supports legitimate authority; esp., one who believes in hereditary monarchy, as a divine right. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically, a supporter of the claims of the elder branch of the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
legitìmist — (legitimı̏st) m (legitìmistica ž) 1. {{001f}}zagovornik, pobornik načela legitimiteta 2. {{001f}}pobornik prava nasljeđivanja po zakonitoj lozi, pobornik svrgnute dinastije … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
legitimist — (n.) 1841, from Fr. légitimiste, from légitime (see LEGITIMATE (Cf. legitimate)) … Etymology dictionary
legitimist — [lə jit′əmist] n. [Fr légitimiste] a supporter of legitimate authority or, esp., of claims to monarchy based on the rights of heredity legitimism n … English World dictionary
legitimist — I. mə̇st noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: French légitimiste, from légitime legitimate + iste ist : one that believes in or supports political legitimacy: as a … Useful english dictionary
legitimist — legitimism, n. /li jit euh mist/, n. 1. a supporter of legitimate authority, esp. of a claim to a throne based on direct descent. adj. 2. Also, legitimistic. of, pertaining to, or supporting legitimate authority. [1835 45; < L legitim(us) lawful… … Universalium
legitimíst — a m (ȋ) zgod. pristaš legitimizma: politično je bil legitimist … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Legitimist Party (Nicaragua) — The Legitimist Party (Spanish: Partido Legitimista PL) was a conservative Nicaraguan political party in the 19th century. The power base of the Legitimist Party was in the city of Granada. The Legitimists were opposed to the Democrats. After… … Wikipedia
legitimist — I. noun see legitimism II. adjective see legitimism … New Collegiate Dictionary