- legislation by reference
- осуществление законодательной деятельности отсылкой к другому закону
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Legislation sur le cannabis — Chanvre Cet article concerne le chanvre. Pour les autres significations du mot cannabis, voir Cannabis (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Législation Sur Le Cannabis — Chanvre Cet article concerne le chanvre. Pour les autres significations du mot cannabis, voir Cannabis (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Reference re Firearms Act — SCCInfoBox case name=Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) full case name=Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) heard date=February 21, 22, 2000 decided date=June 15, 2000 citations= [2000] 1 S.C.R. 783, 2000 SCC 31 history= none (Reference question)… … Wikipedia
Législation sur le cannabis — Cette page présente un aperçu des législations sur le cannabis dans le monde. Le cannabis est mis hors la loi dans la majorité des pays du monde au cours du XXe siècle : la convention unique sur les stupéfiants de 1961 proscrivant le… … Wikipédia en Français
Reference question — In Canadian law, a Reference Question is a submission by the federal or a provincial government to the courts asking for an opinion on a major legal issue. Typically the question concerns the constitutionality of legislation. The federal… … Wikipedia
Législation environnementale — Droit de l environnement Le droit de l environnement et le droit à la conservation de l environnement[1] a pour objet l étude ou l élaboration de règles juridiques concernant l utilisation, la protection, la gestion ou la restauration de l… … Wikipédia en Français
Legislation of the Provisional Government of Hong Kong — Legislations of the Provisional Government of Hong Kong were bills that were introduced and passed into law by the Provisional Legislative Council from 1997 to 1998.Laws passed before 1 July 1997 were passed by a legislature that sat as the… … Wikipedia
reference statutes — Statutes which refer to other statutes and make them applicable to the subject of legislation. Their object is to incorporate into the act of which they are a part the provisions of other statutes by reference and adoption. State ex rel. School… … Black's law dictionary
reference statute — A statute which refers, to an older statute, purporting to make it a part of the new legislation. 50 Am J1st Star § 36. A statute which declares that a certain designated statute of the United States, such as the Volstead Act, or of another state … Ballentine's law dictionary
class legislation — Legislation limited in operation to certain persons or classes of persons, natural or artificial, or to certain districts of territory or state. Legislation operating upon portion of particular class of persons or things. The term is applied to… … Black's law dictionary
class legislation — Legislation limited in operation to certain persons or classes of persons, natural or artificial, or to certain districts of territory or state. Legislation operating upon portion of particular class of persons or things. The term is applied to… … Black's law dictionary