legal obligation
Смотреть что такое "legal obligation" в других словарях:
legal obligation — index liability Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
legal obligation — A legal obligation against state is an obligation which would form basis of judgment against state in court of competent jurisdiction should Legislature permit state to be sued. Fort Worth Cavalry Club, Inc. v. Sheppard, 125 Tex. 339, 83 S.W.2d… … Black's law dictionary
legal obligation — A legal obligation against state is an obligation which would form basis of judgment against state in court of competent jurisdiction should Legislature permit state to be sued. Fort Worth Cavalry Club, Inc. v. Sheppard, 125 Tex. 339, 83 S.W.2d… … Black's law dictionary
legal obligation — A debt; an obligation enforcible in an action at law. An obligation to do and perform what the law of the land, as it exists at the time, requires a person to do … Ballentine's law dictionary
be under legal obligation — index answer (be responsible) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
under legal obligation — index actionable, liable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
obligation — ob·li·ga·tion /ˌä blə gā shən/ n 1: a promise, acknowledgment, or agreement (as a contract) that binds one to a specific performance (as payment); also: the binding power of such an agreement or indication held that the amendment did not… … Law dictionary
legal duty — n. An obligation required by law, such as the duty of parents to care for their children or the duty arising from a contract; also called a legal obligation. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy… … Law dictionary
legal — le·gal / lē gəl/ adj [Latin legalis, from leg lex law] 1: of or relating to law or the processes of law a legal question take legal action 2 a: deriving authority from or founded on law a legal tariff rate a legal government … Law dictionary
Legal — Le gal (l[=e] gal), a. [L. legalis, fr. lex, legis, law; prob. orig., that which lies or is fixed (cf. L. lectus bed), and if so akin to E. lie, law: cf. F. l[ e]gal. Cf. {Lie} to be prostrate, {Loyal}, {Leal}.] 1. Created by, permitted by, in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Legal cap — Legal Le gal (l[=e] gal), a. [L. legalis, fr. lex, legis, law; prob. orig., that which lies or is fixed (cf. L. lectus bed), and if so akin to E. lie, law: cf. F. l[ e]gal. Cf. {Lie} to be prostrate, {Loyal}, {Leal}.] 1. Created by, permitted by … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English