leg of veal

leg of veal
окорок Syn : ham, gammon, leg of mutton

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "leg of veal" в других словарях:

  • veal cutlet — noun : a slice from a leg of veal cut into small portions and fried plain or breaded …   Useful english dictionary

  • veal — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. calf, bob veal, deaconned veal; see beef 1 , meat . Cuts of veal include: chops, leg, shank, shoulder, rump, loin, rack, neck, breast, chuck. Veal dishes include: veal cutlet, veal stew, calf s liver, Wiener schnitzel, veal… …   English dictionary for students

  • veal — /veel/, n. 1. Also, vealer /vee leuhr/. a calf raised for its meat, usually a milk fed animal less than three months old. 2. the flesh of the calf as used for food. [1350 1400; ME ve(e)l < AF vel (OF veel, veal) < L vitellus, dim. of vitulus… …   Universalium

  • leg — /lɛg / (say leg) noun 1. one of the members or limbs which support and move the human or animal body. 2. this part of an animal, especially lamb or veal, used as meat to roast, bake, etc. 3. that part of the limb between the knee and the ankle. 4 …  

  • Knuckle of veal — Knuckle Knuc kle, n. [OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn[ o]chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.] 1. The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brass knuckles — Knuckle Knuc kle, n. [OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn[ o]chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.] 1. The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Knuckle — Knuc kle, n. [OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn[ o]chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.] 1. The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the closing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knuckle duster — Knuckle Knuc kle, n. [OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn[ o]chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.] 1. The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Knuckle joint — Knuckle Knuc kle, n. [OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn[ o]chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.] 1. The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knuckles — Knuckle Knuc kle, n. [OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn[ o]chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.] 1. The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • escalope — n. a thin slice of meat without any bone, esp. from a leg of veal. Etymology: F (in OF = shell): see SCALLOP …   Useful english dictionary

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