left-right symmetry

left-right symmetry
мат. лево-правая симметрия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "left-right symmetry" в других словарях:

  • Left-right symmetry — is a general principle in physics which holds that valid physical laws must not produce a different result for a motion that is left handed than motion that is right handed. The most common application is expressed as equal treatment of clockwise …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetry — For other uses, see Symmetry (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetry in biology — For other uses, see Symmetry (disambiguation) and Bilateral (disambiguation). Bilateral symmetry redirects here. For bilateral symmetry in mathematics, see reflection symmetry. The elaborate patterns on the wings of butterflies are one example of …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetry (biology) — Bilateral symmetry redirects here. For bilateral symmetry in mathematics, see reflection symmetry. Symmetry in biology is the balanced distribution of duplicate body parts or shapes. The body plans of most multicellular organisms exhibit some… …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetry of second derivatives — In mathematics, the symmetry of second derivatives (also called the equality of mixed partials) refers to the possibility of interchanging the order of taking partial derivatives of a function of n variables. If the partial derivative with… …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetry combinations — This article discusses various symmetry combinations.In 2D, mirror image symmetry in combination with n fold rotational symmetry, with the center of rotational symmetry on the line of symmetry, implies mirror image symmetry with respect to lines… …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetry in mathematics — For other uses, see Symmetry (disambiguation) and Bilateral (disambiguation). Symmetry occurs not only in geometry, but also in other branches of mathematics. It is actually the same as invariance: the property that something does not change… …   Wikipedia

  • symmetry — Equality or correspondence in form of parts distributed around a center or an axis, at the extremities or poles, or on the opposite sides of any body. [G. symmetria, fr. sym + metron, measure] inverse s. correspondence of the right or left side… …   Medical dictionary

  • Custodial symmetry — In particle physics with one or more electroweak Higgs doublets in the Higgs sector, the effective action term which generically arises whenever we have new physics beyond the Standard Model at the scale Λ contributes to the Peskin Takeuchi T… …   Wikipedia

  • C-symmetry — In physics, C symmetry means the symmetry of physical laws under a charge conjugation transformation. Electromagnetism, gravity and the strong interaction all obey C symmetry, but weak interactions violate C symmetry. Contents 1 Charge reversal… …   Wikipedia

  • bilateral symmetry — Symmetry such that a body or part can be divided through the longitudinal axis by one mediosagittal plane into equivalent right and left halves, each for all practical purposes a mirror image of the other; see radial symmetry …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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