Смотреть что такое "left-most" в других словарях:
Most Holy Family Monastery — is a non profit sedevacantist organization run by Michael Dimond. The diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, condemns them as anti Catholic,[1] although it is supported by Roman Catholic laymen.[2] They have been described as a a dissident organization… … Wikipedia
left — left; left·ish; left·ism; left·ments; left·most; left·ward; left·ist; left·ward·ly; left·wards; … English syllables
Left recursion — In computer science, left recursion is a special case of recursion. In terms of context free grammar, a non terminal r is left recursive if the left most symbol in any of r’s ‘alternatives’ either immediately (direct left recursive) or through… … Wikipedia
Most significant bit — In computing, the most significant bit (msb, also called the high order bit) is the bit position in a binary number having the greatest value. The msb is sometimes referred to as the left most bit due to the convention in positional notation of… … Wikipedia
"Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder — First English edition of Lenin s Left Wing Communism, published by the Executive Committee of the Communist International for delegates to its 2nd World Congress. Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder (Russian: Детская болезнь левизны в… … Wikipedia
Left corner — The left corner of a production rule in a context free grammar is the left most symbol on the right side of the rule.For example, in the rule A→Xα , X is the left corner.The left corner table associates a symbol with all possible left corners for … Wikipedia
Left-handedness — is the preference for the left hand over the right for everyday activities such as writing. Most left handed people favor their right hand for some activities, and many exhibit some degree of ambidexterity. [… … Wikipedia
Left-right politics — or the Left right political spectrum is a common way of classifying political positions, political ideologies, or political parties along a one dimensional political spectrum.The perspective of Left vs. Right is an imprecise, broad, dialectical… … Wikipedia
Left realism — Left Realist Criminology emerged out of Critical Criminology as a reaction against what was perceived to be the Left s failure to take a practical interest in everyday crime, leaving it to the Right Realists to monopolise the political agenda on… … Wikipedia
Left Behind — The Rising, The Regime, The Rapture, Left Behind, Tribulation Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark, Desecration, The Remnant, Armageddon, Glorious Appearing, Kingdom Come Author Tim LaHaye Jerry B. Jenkins… … Wikipedia
Left 4 Dead 2 — Cover art for Left 4 Dead 2 Developer(s) Valve Corporation Turtle Rock Studios[1] … Wikipedia