- lecherous
- ˈletʃərəs прил.;
книж. распутный, развратный Syn : lewd распутный, развратный lecherous книжн. распутный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lecherous — Lech er*ous, a. Like a lecher; addicted to lewdness; excessively lustful; used mostly of men; also, lust provoking. A lecherous thing is wine. Chaucer. {Lech er*ous*ly}, adv. {Lech er*ous*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lecherous — I adjective addicted to lewdness, bawdy, concupiscent, corrupt, debauched, depraved, desirous, dissipated, dissolute, erotic, erotical, fleshly, gluttonous, goatish, immoral, inclined to lewdness, lascivious, lewd, libertine, libidinous,… … Law dictionary
lecherous — c.1300, probably from LECHER (Cf. lecher) + OUS (Cf. ous); or else from rare O.Fr. lecheros. Related: Lecherously; lecherousness … Etymology dictionary
lecherous — libidinous, lascivious, lustful, lewd, wanton, *licentious, libertine Analogous words: dissolute, *abandoned, reprobate, profligate: degenerate, corrupt (see VICIOUS) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
lecherous — [adj] lustful, lewd carnal, concupiscent, corrupt, fast*, hot and heavy*, incontinent, lascivious, libertine, libidinous, licentious, low down*, lubricous, prurient, raunchy*, salacious, satyric, sensual, unchaste, wanton; concepts 372,401 Ant.… … New thesaurus
lecherous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire. DERIVATIVES lecherously adverb lecherousness noun. ORIGIN Old French lecheros, from lechier live in debauchery or gluttony ; related to LICK(Cf. ↑lick) … English terms dictionary
lecherous — [lech′ər əs] adj. [ME < OFr lecheros] given to, characterized by, or stimulating to lechery; lustful lecherously adv. lecherousness n … English World dictionary
lecherous — lech|er|ous [ˈletʃərəs] adj a lecherous man shows his sexual desire for women in a way that is unpleasant or annoying ▪ a lecherous old man >lecherously adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
lecherous — [[t]le̱tʃərəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n (disapproval) If you describe a man as lecherous, you disapprove of him because he behaves towards women in a way which shows he is only interested in them sexually. ...lecherous old men offering sweets at … English dictionary
lecherous — lecherously, adv. lecherousness, n. /lech euhr euhs/, adj. 1. given to or characterized by lechery; lustful. 2. erotically suggestive; inciting to lust: lecherous photographs. [1275 1325; ME < MF lechereus. See LECHER, OUS] * * * … Universalium
lecherous — adjective a lecherous man is always thinking about sex or trying to get sexual pleasure lecherously adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English