Смотреть что такое "leavetaking" в других словарях:
leavetaking — index egress Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
leavetaking — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. farewell, withdrawal, valediction; adieu, Godspeed. See departure … English dictionary for students
Post-cult trauma — or post cult syndrome is a disputed term related to the consequences of leaving a group perceived as being a cult. Some scholars in the field, including those critical of the anti cult movement, acknowledge that abandoning a cult can be traumatic … Wikipedia
I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) — Infobox Single Name = I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won t Do That) Artist = Meat Loaf from Album = Released = 1993 Format = Vinyl, CD, Cassette Recorded = Ocean Way Recording (LA)cite web| work=Lorraine Crosby.com | title=Lorraine Crosby s… … Wikipedia
Religious disaffiliation — (see also apostasy) means leaving a faith, or a religious group or community. It is in many respects the reverse of religious conversion. Several other terms are used for this process, though each of these terms may have slightly different… … Wikipedia
Dismissal (liturgy) — The Dismissal (Greek: απόλυσις; Slavonic: otpust) is the final blessing said by a Christian priest or minister at the end of a religious service. In liturgical churches the dismissal will often take the form of ritualized words and gestures, such … Wikipedia
McGahern, John — ▪ 2007 Irish novelist and short story writer (b. Nov. 12, 1934, Dublin, Ire. d. March 30, 2006, Dublin), was noted for his depictions of Irish men and women constricted and damaged by the conventions of their native land, his keen… … Universalium
departure — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Moving away from Nouns 1. departure, leaving, parting, decampment; disappearance; retreat, embarkation; outset, start; removal, exit, egress, exodus, hejira, evacuation; flight (see escape); recession. 2 … English dictionary for students
parting — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. leavetaking, departure; farewell, severance, separation; partition, division. See disjunction. Ant., arrival, welcoming. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of separating] Syn. leavetaking, good bye,… … English dictionary for students
WEISS, PETER — (1916–1982), German playwright and author. A half Jew, Weiss, who was born near Berlin, left Germany in 1934, spending two years in England and two more in Prague, before settling in Sweden in 1939. There he made his career as a painter, film… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Apostasy — (IPA: /əˈpɒstəsi/) is the formal religious disaffiliation or abandonment or renunciation of one s religion, especially if the motive is deemed unworthy. In a technical sense, as used sometimes by sociologists without the pejorative connotations… … Wikipedia