Смотреть что такое "leather-dresser" в других словарях:
dresser — dresser1 [dres′ər] n. 1. a person who dresses another; esp., one who helps actors and actresses put on their costumes 2. a person who dresses something, as store windows, leather, wounds, etc. 3. a person who dresses elegantly or in a certain way … English World dictionary
LEATHER INDUSTRY AND TRADE — Biblical and Talmudic Times The one Hebrew word רֹוע (or) covers skin, hide, and leather, so that it is difficult to establish whether references in the Bible are to skin or leather. The Bible frequently refers to garments made from skin (e.g.,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Corroyer — This rare and interesting name is of Norman French origin, introduced into England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066. The surname is an occupational name for a leather dresser, derived from the Old French term conreeur , currier, in… … Surnames reference
Corryer — This rare and interesting name is of Norman French origin, introduced into England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066. The surname is an occupational name for a leather dresser, derived from the Old French term conreeur , currier, in… … Surnames reference
Currier — This rare and interesting name is of Norman French origin, introduced into England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066. The surname is an occupational name for a leather dresser, derived from the Old French term conreeur , currier, in… … Surnames reference
Curryer — This rare and interesting name is of Norman French origin, introduced into England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066. The surname is an occupational name for a leather dresser, derived from the Old French term conreeur , currier, in… … Surnames reference
Currer — This interesting surname, with variant spellings Currier and Curryer, derives from the Old French conreeur a currier, one who curries leather, from the Latin coriarius , a tanner, from corium , leather, and would have originated as an… … Surnames reference
Whitters — This unusual and interesting name, found mainly in Lancashire and the northern counties of England, is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is an occupational surname with two possible and distinct derivations. Firstly, it may be an occupational name for a … Surnames reference
Witter — This unusual and interesting name, found mainly in Lancashire and the northern counties of England, is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is an occupational surname with two possible and distinct derivations. Firstly, it may be an occupational name for a … Surnames reference
Wetter — Recorded as Wetter, Witter, Wheater, Whether, Whittier, Whittear, and Whitehair, this unusual and interesting surname is English. It is said to be found mainly in the northern counties of England. There are two possible and distinct origins.… … Surnames reference
Wheater — Recorded as Wetter, Witter, Wheater, Whether, Whittier, Whittear, and Whitehair, this unusual and interesting surname is English. It is said to be found mainly in the northern counties of England. There are two possible and distinct origins.… … Surnames reference